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Who here smokes?

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  • Who here smokes?

    Who here smokes cigarretes?

    I started smoking around 15, on and off. Now I am 20, for the past year I gradually started smoking more and more, I was almost up to a pack a day. Now I am back down to half a pack.

    I really want to quit. I don't want to die.

    Anyone else smoke? How long have you smoked?

    Cancer doesnt run in my family. No one in my whole family has cancer. My dad smoked for 10 years, my grandpas both smoked for a long time. My uncles did as well. They all quit now. And all are still alive and healthy, except for one of my grandpas who died of diabetes and black lung. He was a firefighter and back then they didnt have protection.

    But I saw some horrific pictures of cancer patients and I just gasped in horror.

    Anyone else smoke? I am scared sh*tless.

  • #2
    I smoke about a pack a day, have been for about 10 years.

    I quit twice for about 3 months at a time. Used the patch, had no problems at all, it was surprisingly easy.

    I actually started again voluntarily... I got bored. Without my smoke breaks I would sit locked inside the office all day. Being a smoker gave me an excuse to go outside and enjoy the weather for 15 minutes every hour and a half or so. Plus you catch all the hot company gossip on smoke breaks: people get pissed off at something then storm off out front of the building to have a smoke and vent to anyone who will listen. Get to hear all of the juicy rumors well before the official announcements are made. ;)

    I do want to quit, just not sure if my life is stable enough yet. Its difficult when you have an extremely stressful job at a startup company and then go attend classes for your grad degree two or three nights a week. Haven't decided if I actively want to quit yet... I'm 26, still young...


    • #3
      I know how you feel man. It's like, the ultimate stress reliever.


      • #4
        I smoke... a pack every 36 hours. I try and limit it. I've only been smoking now for 2 years and i'm 20... i really should stop. stop if you can. It's all in will power.

        I'd be more of a b!tch if i didn't smoke. You guys should thank Marlboro. LOL
        ~Jessica~<br />Office Manager @ <a href=\"http://www.fbodycentral.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.fbodycentral.com</a> <br />2001 Firebird GT NBM, A4<br /> <a href=\"http://fbodyqueen.tripod.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://fbodyqueen.tripod.com/<


        • #5
          I started out smoking Marlboro Reds when I was 16..switched to Marlboro Menthols full flavor. From there, went to Kools, said screw menthol because I was coughing up **** daily, then went to Camels. From Camels, I went to Marlboro Mediums, to Parliament Lights, then finally to what I smoke now : Marlboro Lights. I think I tried every cigarette made, too. I was addicted with going to my local town's cigar shop and trying the flavor spectrum.

          I cut down from 3/4 a pack a day to about 5 cigs a day.

          I just eat more now. [img]smile.gif[/img]
          2002 NBM Firehawk #312 | <a href=\"http://hawk.visionsconnect.com\" target=\"_blank\">hawk.visionsconnect.com</a>


          • #6
            I smoked from the time I was 15 till 23, quit for 2 years and over the last 6 months I have gotten back into it when I go out drinking, I go from wanting to cut it back out alltogether to just not caring. I go without one for days at a time right now.
            98 Firebird - gone from mod mode to keep it running and useable mode.
            2000 V-Star Custom 1100
            If all else fails use a bigger hammer!


            • #7
              Never done it. It makes you stink and die.
              2000 GTP<br />Pulley, Intake<br />ET - 14.02<br />Trap - 97.15


              • #8
                <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"http://terpmotors.com\" target=\"_blank\">terpmotors.com</a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP


                • #9
                  i smoked all through high school and most of college i was on and off, but somehow i just nevet got "hooked."

                  the biggest difference i noticed is when i hang out with friends who smoke and friends who don't smoke... it's much harder not to around friends who have some cigarettes or whatever available for your consumption


                  • #10
                    I've been working on my last pack for 4 weeks. Every so often I think a smoke goes good with a couple of beers :cool:
                    <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/sac2165\" target=\"_blank\"> CAMAROS</a>


                    • #11
                      I went to the Naval base in Coronado (San Diego) and just about every body there smoked!

                      My friend smokes close to a pack a day, or 2 days.. he smokes a lot.

                      Here is a little warning for you smokers:
                      My stepdad has been smoking for a while.
                      He got up to 2 packs a day...
                      He has had 2 heart attacks, died once, and had open heart surgery.
                      He still smokes...
                      I am not sure if he is still smoking 2 packs a day, but as you see and hopefully already know, they are deadly and very addicting.

                      Like Chris Rock (I think) said.. Cigarettes are so deadly they'll kill yo as* even if you smoke em!
                      <b><a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six©</b></a><br /><a href=\"http://www.sounddomain.com/id/95batmobile\" target=\"_blank\">My \'95 Bird</a><br />I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


                      • #12
                        I hate dirty smokers. Can't go to a bar and enjoy a few beers without coming out reeking of smoke.

                        My one smoking friend I have tells me "then don't go to the bar". What? Only smokers can go to a bar and enjoy a few beers? Or go to the bar to catch a baseball game on satelite which I can't catch at home?

                        I don't think smokers realize how bad cigarette smoke smells to a non-smoker. I believe dirty smokers to be the most inconsiderate bunch of people there are. Dirty smokers should keep their dirty habit in the privacy of their home where it belongs.

                        Don't even get me started on smokers who throw cigarette butts out their car window...

                        I don't smoke, never have, never will.
                        SLP CAI, K&N, Whisper Lid, 180* thermo, manual fan switch, 3.42 gears, Auburn Pro LSD, Wester\'s PCM Tuning, TSP Rumbler, High Flow Cat. Best Time: 9.909@71.58 (1/8 mile)


                        • #13
                          I don't, my lady friend does.
                          2002 Silver Metallic A4 Firebird - All Options
                          Hotchkis STB, Custom Madrel Bent 3" Exhaust, Pacesetter Headers, Whisper Lid, FT Ram Air, K&N Air Filter, D2S HID, Baer Rotors, !EGR, !MAF, 10% tint, Parrot CK3300

                          Your Mom or My Dad?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JohnD.:
                            Never done it. It makes you stink and die.
                            ^what he said
                            1996 Pontiac <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a> <br />Black, 3.8L A4


                            • #15
                              One of my biggest turn-offs is a woman who smokes. I'm also semi-allergic to it
                              2000 silver A4 Camaro<br />Whisper lid; Free Ram Air; BMR stb; MSD super conductor wires; Gatorback belt?<br />1986 RX-7 (daily driver)


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