Everyone who reads this visit www.iqtest.com and take the test then post your score. I'm just curious what everyone will get. Remember if you score low, oh well its an online test it really doesn't count for much, if you score high....same thing doesn't really count for much ... at least to me anyway since it seems like online iq tests are fairly inaccurate.
My score according to them was 153 which falls in the range, specified by them, of "Genius: 146 - 165" <-----another reason i dont think its accurate, i know i'm smart, but i'm no genius.
Also where CAN you take a certified IQ test becuase now i'm intrigued to what my potential is ....i never took the ACT, which i regret, but will probably take it next year even though i'm out of HS.
And also no one start any crap or flame war please, this is just meant to be a fun thing, with maybe a little competition between friends of the board. So in other words, if you dont know a person too well dont be like "HAHA you're dumb you got a 1" or "That score MUST be wrong, you're dumber than that"
My score according to them was 153 which falls in the range, specified by them, of "Genius: 146 - 165" <-----another reason i dont think its accurate, i know i'm smart, but i'm no genius.
Also where CAN you take a certified IQ test becuase now i'm intrigued to what my potential is ....i never took the ACT, which i regret, but will probably take it next year even though i'm out of HS.
And also no one start any crap or flame war please, this is just meant to be a fun thing, with maybe a little competition between friends of the board. So in other words, if you dont know a person too well dont be like "HAHA you're dumb you got a 1" or "That score MUST be wrong, you're dumber than that"