Aliens The movie...And the relation to starcraft.. - Message Board


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Aliens The movie...And the relation to starcraft..

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  • Aliens The movie...And the relation to starcraft..

    Ya know, Ive always loved the Aliens series of movies...and as im sitting here watching ALIENS on TNT were at the scene where they fly from the carrier to the planet...and I swear to god im reliving the Starcraft game all over. EVERYTHING the pilot of the drop ship says in ALIENS is EVERYTHING the dropship pilot in starcraft says...WORD FOR WORD. I feel Kinda Violated now...Kuz as much as I liked AVP despite its mixxed/mostly Negative reviews..Im now convinced Starcraft and the Aliens/predator movies are somehow interconnected to eachother. Anyone else feel like me?
    2001 Black S10 Xtreme 4.3L A4<br />*RedLineVSix*<br />\"Throwin sparks, draggin frame\"

  • #2
    the Zerg are pretty much the equivalent of the aliens....they use humans as incubators and such....they infest the area. the hydralisks are probably the closest to the movie "aliens".
    \'98 Camaro - SOLD<br />Best E/T: 15.489 @ 86.48 MPH<br />60\': 2.131<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a><br />1998 Saturn SL2<br />Official <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">NJ Disturbance</a> bracket racer


    • #3
      I love starcraft..but I never made the connection, but i can kinda see it.
      2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


      • #4
        Watch the first 45 minutes of the second ALIEN movie. Listen to what the pilot says when she takes them to the planet...Youll hear what im talking about first hand. Thats just where it STARTS.
        2001 Black S10 Xtreme 4.3L A4<br />*RedLineVSix*<br />\"Throwin sparks, draggin frame\"


        • #5
          I wish you had been around last week. I tried to start a thread on that, but no one cared.

          my old thread

          I totally agree, and I stated why in my second post.
          1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


          • #6
            I read that thread but up intil about an hour ago i couldnt really tie the 2 together until i heard that Drop ship pilot yacking away like in starcraft.
            2001 Black S10 Xtreme 4.3L A4<br />*RedLineVSix*<br />\"Throwin sparks, draggin frame\"


            • #7
              I always wanted to see a starcraft movie. I guess AVP was it.

              My favorite race was always the protoss. I wish they would make another AVP just to see more involvement with the predators.
              1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


              • #8
                Definatly see the connection man. Starcraft is based entirely on the sci-fi world IMO.
                <b> \'95 Camaro 3.4L A4 <i>Rikku</i><br />AutoX - Drift - Street </b><br />\"Sideways is faster.\"


                • #9
                  Here is a lesson in StarCraft. When they created StarCraft the included a lot of pop culture references in the dialogue, and also some interesting inclusions in the movies. For instance, unit responses and characters were based on everything from Star Trek to the Simpsons. The three factions, however, are almost entirely based on the three factions that appear in the book Starship Troopers. The humans are the humans, the Zerg are the "bugs", and the Protoss are the "Skinnies."
                  Matt<br />2000 Firebird<br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #10

                    Tell me more. I am obsessed with the protoss.
                    1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                    • #11
                      And I'm obsessed with Starship Troopers, although sadly I haven't read the book.


                      In the book there was apparently another race that the humans fought against(It takes place before the bug war). Apparently the skinnies were a humanoid race that were allied with teh Arachnids, and then later switched sides and allied with the humans.

                      And while we are on the subject of influences, Heinlein created many of the SciFi ideas that other works borrowed, namely the "drop" onto a planet and powered exoskeleton armor. The movie left out a lot of what was in the book because it was more concerned with being a satire, just as it's director had done with Robocop before it.
                      Matt<br />2000 Firebird<br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                      • #12
                        I read the book a couple years ago, before the movie came out. It was pretty good. If you like SciFi stories, it's worth reading.
                        98 Cayenne Red Camaro 3.8 M5<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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