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i cant decide!!!

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  • i cant decide!!!

    on what i want to be when i get older! as ... a career!

    Okay.. all through highschool i've been way into computers and technology. So after highschool, i went to technical schools to gather my certifications.. i got A+ certified.. lol and then went to another technical school for nearly two years and was working on my ccna certification... aver the time of being in technical school for pretty much information technology.. i've learned to really hate computers and all technology all together..

    But im really good at that stuff.. but i hate it..

    but let me bring you to my backround..and what i enjoy doing.

    For some strange reason, people always come to me for help..for technical advice, or relationship advice.. or just advice in general. Im great at solving complex puzzles and all that hunkydoory stuff. And i really enjoy the satisfaction i get when i help someone out with a problem. BUT i dont really want to get into psychology or anything like that.. but who knows.

    Now i have pretty much two choices to decide on right now..

    Which is Choice 1.. go to ITT Technical institute and get my bachelors in Data Communication Systems Technology... OR.. go to Broward Community College, get my associates in arts and science, and later on go off to a major university and get my BA in something i'd really be taking a risk at..

    AH what to do what to do. I absolutely HATE office jobs. i like going out and helping people with problems. Somewhat like a consultant. But im extremely good with networking, and complex problem solving.

    any advice?

    anyone in a career in something related to what i like doing? If so let me in on some information. I've done research but i wanna hear it from a Personal view rather than just some book explaining the job details...
    96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>

  • #2
    My future is way to much to think about now. I'd rather have fun. ---I know I'm diggin myself into a hole thats getting deeper and deeper, but its just too much fun.
    Black \'94 Trans Am A4- SLP CAI & Loudmouth<br />Red \'93 Firebird A4- Ram Air under the WS6 hood, !cat, exhaust.


    • #3
      I'm a landman, I go out talk to landowners. Explain the company I work for, what we are doing (drilling for either (oil or gas), and try to get them to lease their mineral rights. Some people you just have to say "oil & gas" and they are ready to sign, others take a bit more persuasion.

      Also I talk to land owners to get right-of-ways for roads, pipeline, etc.

      I do some title searches (have to know who owns the mineral right before you can lease them)

      Then of coarse if there are ever problems/damages to property. I have to go out a get them to settle, so they don't take us to court, hardly ever happens.

      So basically a little bit of court house work, and leasing, then any other negotiations needed. You got to know a little bit of law, which is different from state to state. But most importantly you have to be able to talk to anyone.

      As you've probably noticed the energy costs are soaring, and so this field. Kinda hard to get into, at first, but once you get trained there are jobs everywhere.

      It pays pretty well too. Most trainees start at $150 a day in most places. I only have 2 years in this buisness and will make 92k this year. Not bad for a college drop out :D

      [ April 15, 2005, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Nicklz ]


      • #4
        Getting a BA in something is not a risk if you can dedicate yourself. I don't care how smart you are or aren't, a BA is obtainable if you work hard enough. I say do whatever you think you'll enjoy most, don't go for money, if you dislike computers, forget about working with them, no point being unhappy in your job all your life. I know rich people who's lives I wouldn't take for anything because they hate their job and are never happy.
        <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/briansr\" target=\"_blank\">97 White Pontiac Firebird 3.8 A4</a><br />Mods- 2.75\" exhaust, Dynomax muffler, magnaflow cat, SLP CAI, Hypertech 160* thermo, Fan switch<br />Suspension-Kumho Ecsta 712\'s, 32mm/19mm sway bars<br /><br />Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don\'t fail us now. <br />-Elwood Blues


        • #5
          well as for the school...
          I went to ITT
          I spent $36,000 on an associates degree
          they are upwards of $390 a credit hour and that increases every quarter (12 quarters) and they require 96 credits for your associates
          their career services SUCK
          I graduated 4.0 and had to get my own job (which actually a buddy got me the job)
          I don't care for the school or the career services dept
          that being said, I do make decent money and am in my field and will be doing very well very soon which wouldnt have happened without a degree
          take a look at www.ittsucks.com and you will see some VERY disgrutled people
          its a tossup for that school, if you can get a job ahead of time I would say go for it, but if you have no experience then the school isnt going to help much

          Why stop people from getting married?


          • #6
            hmm.. LD thanks for that link i'll look into it.. lol there are so many blanksucks.com its halarious.

            By the way if you dont mind me asking, what do you do for a living? and what are your thoughts on it?
            96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tyler:
              hmm.. LD thanks for that link i'll look into it.. lol there are so many blanksucks.com its halarious.

              By the way if you dont mind me asking, what do you do for a living? and what are your thoughts on it?
              i took the drafting and design course
              overall the teachers were good, but if you didn't try but you paid your tuition you could easily graduate with like a C-
              to get good grades you had to try
              I enjoy my work, I have been involved with this kind of stuff for about 6 years now (in school)
              the school wasn't bad, it just wasn't much help
              if you can get some experience beforehand you will be alot better off
              having experience and a degree is a good combo, me just having a degree wasn't enough, had to know someone :\

              Why stop people from getting married?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tyler:

                But im really good at that stuff.. but i hate it..
                I feel the same way. The only thing I like about computers anymore is an occasional video game and car stuff like our forum. I figue I might as well milk it anyways. It's what I'm good at and can sometimes be fun. Right now I'm still learning some (I'll be a Computer Science freshman at the U of A next year), but I'm already working in the industry for a marketing firm doing everything from hardware to software to websites. It pays entry-level now, but I'm looking to go to a bigger company with bigger pay sometime soon.
                2000 M5 Pewter Firebird [Monsoon stereo]<br /><a href=\"http://www.centerlinewheels.com/sub_wheel.php?mw_id=2\" target=\"_blank\">16\" Centerline Galaxy Wheels</a> . <a href=\"http://www.bfranker.badz28.com/headlightfix/\" target=\"_blank\">Headlight fix</a> . Under dash lighting . Dashmat . Headlight conversion<br />84k miles<br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/tucsonbird\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain</a><br />Tucson, AZ


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