T-Top flew off on the highway..... - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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T-Top flew off on the highway.....

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  • #16
    Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

    Originally posted by camaro_speedemon
    What! They sold you the car without a door key!? I would have demanded that they gotten paid for a remade key.
    i really should have, but it was a small lot, he just got the car in, and dropped 1k after a 5 min bargain... by the way, how much would that cost to have one made from my vin number?
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    • #17
      Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

      This is why you should never drive your car with the T-tops in! I've heard that a new T-top from the dealer costs like $300!?! I'm not sure about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.


      • #18
        Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

        That sucks. I've never had that happen. I've lost my front blackouts on my 1989 RS, and i've lost the mini-loovers from the hood (i had an iroc hood), but never my T's. I bet the look on your face was priceless though. :eek:



        • #19
          Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

          Originally posted by josh98bird
          i really should have, but it was a small lot, he just got the car in, and dropped 1k after a 5 min bargain... by the way, how much would that cost to have one made from my vin number?
          Not sure, probably $50-100.
          <a href=\"http://pics.projectpredator.com/thumbnails.php?album=16\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


          • #20
            Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

            Originally posted by car-show-crazy-firebird
            This is why you should never drive your car with the T-tops in! I've heard that a new T-top from the dealer costs like $300!?! I'm not sure about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
            I just called the dealer in my area, total cost $734.00.

            Try eBay


            • #21
              Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

              Well I got a new t-top this morning at 10:30AM from BNR salvage here in Tulsa. I paid a total of $217 for a T-top from an 02 TA. The funny thing it's actually in better condition than the one I lost! I was expecting him to charge $300 so I think I got a pretty good deal. I probably would have paid about 50 or 60 less on eBay but it's like they say, "time is money" so getting it today was worth it.
              99 Pewter Firebird<br />Many mods coming soon....<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/847744\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/847744</a><br /> -----------------


              • #22
                Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

                man that sucks..... i'm new to ttops since i just cut the roof off over the winter and i have to say that when i was installing them i made sure to give them an extra turn to tighten the latches


                • #23
                  Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

                  Yeah I'm really paranoid now lol. Every time I get in my car I check to make sure they are latched securely.
                  99 Pewter Firebird<br />Many mods coming soon....<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/847744\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/847744</a><br /> -----------------


                  • #24
                    Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

                    OWNED! haha j.k i heard of targas flying off though
                    <a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/a371/boyoi/firebird/?sc=1\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)


                    • #25
                      Re: T-Top flew off on the highway.....

                      Been there... done that.

                      2 days before I was driving down to Maryland for a big wedding... passenger side t top flew off and shattered!

                      The ex found one the next day in a junk yard... I eventually bought another one.

                      And... if anyone remembers cassie.... she had it happen to her also... I mailed her one of my t tops
                      Race car - gone but not forgotten - 1997 firebird V6
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