I'm so f*ken pissed right now. My laptop power supply got a kink in the wire, it has virtually no insulation to protect it from kinks or damage. And the wire inside must have broken. You have to wiggle it a certain way to get it to work.
So I go online to look for a replacement, $80 &*(&^ dollars for litteraly a $10 power supply!! That's completely outragous. All because it has a proprietary plug. It may still be in warranty so I'll try calling tomorrow. If they don't want to replace it, I'm gonna try and fix it, but I don't know if I can, because the section where the wire is broken is between the shielding and the plug, and it's only about an inch. :mad:
So I go online to look for a replacement, $80 &*(&^ dollars for litteraly a $10 power supply!! That's completely outragous. All because it has a proprietary plug. It may still be in warranty so I'll try calling tomorrow. If they don't want to replace it, I'm gonna try and fix it, but I don't know if I can, because the section where the wire is broken is between the shielding and the plug, and it's only about an inch. :mad: