So I save all of my documents from my mac to a flashdrive by Sandisk, I save them in RTF format so I can take them to my PC to print from Word. (i don't have the funds right now to purchase a printer for my mac only) Well, today I go to open the documents to print b/c they are all due tmr at school and the computer bogs down freezes and I have to restart it, I go to open the files and all of them where now blank excel spreadsheet pages when they opened. I don't save changes and take flash drive back to mac and they cannot be read! I used to sing along when I heard "I love Technology" NOT ANY MORE! COMPUTERS HAVE A NEW ENEMY! I know I was stupid and should have been anal and saved them on everything I could and I saved them on my mac but early on in the papers. I have 5 papers due tmr at 8 am. 4 where 5 pagers not too bad and one was a 12 pager with 8 sources and lots of documentation within them. I am so f*cked...o well had to vent. Anyone else get f-ed like this before? If so please share so I feel better....
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Common problem??
Re: Common problem??
That sucks dude. I was working on a project in class one time and was just about finished when I accidentally kicked the computers power cable. Lost everything and pretty much got screwed because I didn't bother saving it. Luckily the teacher let me make up the assignment and only took off a few points for it being late.