Re: if this does not sell gm should give up!
That would be interesting to see, but I can't see them doing it. There is too much demand for fwd and awd in our fair country, and too many people still want thier mini vans.... Thats the main reason why Audi takes a big chunk of Mercades and Bmw's market is because they offer awd in an under $100k car.
And being the Grand Prix and Bonneville imparticular have a huge market, it would almost be stupid I would think to either drop them or make them RWD..
Heck I still know people who would buy a Pontiac any day but wouldn't touch a Chevrotlet. And I mean Z-28 to Firebird Formula because there is some sort of mechanical difference... Some people are just too ignorant.
Originally posted by vanbibber
And being the Grand Prix and Bonneville imparticular have a huge market, it would almost be stupid I would think to either drop them or make them RWD..
Heck I still know people who would buy a Pontiac any day but wouldn't touch a Chevrotlet. And I mean Z-28 to Firebird Formula because there is some sort of mechanical difference... Some people are just too ignorant.