In CT,where I reside, Geico has been publishing posters and radio spots saying "CT is the wealthiest state in the country, and we want to keep it that way!" It's true and maybe this helps clarify who the insurers are marketing towards.
Basically, the less you make, the insurance companies will dog you in premiums. In my opinion, this is another tactic to weed out the good highly skilled drivers versus the low income drivers.
Sounds like a good plan to eradicate the dumbazz drivers out there lol. It's all about money.
Basically, the less you make, the insurance companies will dog you in premiums. In my opinion, this is another tactic to weed out the good highly skilled drivers versus the low income drivers.
Sounds like a good plan to eradicate the dumbazz drivers out there lol. It's all about money.