I recently sold a laptop on ebay for a friend of mine, and someone did BUY IT NOW and got it for 200 bucks. This person just made their account, and has zero feedback. Once they won the item I receive this message from her.
Hello Seller,
Greeting to you,I Judy Ballard from ca USA,but Presently in London,UK for a church seminal. I saw your
product item below on ebay #220011088437 and i am really intrested in buying it for my Daugther as a surprise gift for her in school(Abti American University )at Nigeria and i will handle the shipment expenses.i will send you my fedex account so you will not pay no money for shipping.
I will be sending you payment via PayPal,so kindly send me
your PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS so as to immedaitely make out your payment and make sure you get the package ready for shipment,you can ship
the item as soon as you recieve the paypal confirmation.
Expecting your reply so as to immediately make out the payment
Ok, fast forward a little bit. I send her my paypal. Now, here is the next email.
I have made out my payment to you for this item purchase,So check your mail for the confirmation mail from paypal.Get back to me immediately you receive the confirmation mail from paypal and don't forget to send me your physical contact address and the exact time you will be at home.So i can schedule FedEx to come and pick them up from you in other to reduce the stress of you driving down to their location to send it.Then i can send you my daughters address and fedex account number.Hope to hear from you soon
Now, "Paypal" then sends me an email that says this.
Dear Justin Sheffield .
This email confirms that Judy Ballard, have paid droptopchevy@gmail.com $200.00 USD using PayPal.
Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites
You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.
Payment Details.
Purchase From: Justin Sheffield,
Item # Item Title Quantity Price Subtotal
USD $200.00
Shipping & Handling via Standard Delivery to :
Shipping Insurance(included): $00.00
Total: $200.00
Note:This PayPal�payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account Pending when the shipment tracking number is sent to our customers service at
pay-palcustomer-care@consultant.com for shipment verification so as to secure both the seller and the buyer.
Shipping Information
Shipping Info: Verified.
Address Status: Confirmed.
For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at https://www.paypal.com/us/securitytips.
To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL ( https://www.paypal.com/us/) to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.:
Get Verified � Your Key to More Security and Free Features
Get Verified and help increase the security of your PayPal transactions for yourself and for everyone with whom you do business. You can also:
Fund purchases directly from your checking or savings account, in addition to using credit cards
Improve your reputation by letting others know you're a confirmed, Verified member of the PayPal community
Send money to friends, family, and PayPal Personal Account holders
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
PayPal Email ID PP274
Now, does this look legit or what? I go to paypal and log in and it shows 0.00 in my account. Is there any way I can talk to paypal, give them these numbers, and find out if this is in fact legit or a scam? If I am getting scammed I am going to run a reverse lookup on her Cali address and wreak some havoc.:rant:
Hello Seller,
Greeting to you,I Judy Ballard from ca USA,but Presently in London,UK for a church seminal. I saw your
product item below on ebay #220011088437 and i am really intrested in buying it for my Daugther as a surprise gift for her in school(Abti American University )at Nigeria and i will handle the shipment expenses.i will send you my fedex account so you will not pay no money for shipping.
I will be sending you payment via PayPal,so kindly send me
your PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS so as to immedaitely make out your payment and make sure you get the package ready for shipment,you can ship
the item as soon as you recieve the paypal confirmation.
Expecting your reply so as to immediately make out the payment
Ok, fast forward a little bit. I send her my paypal. Now, here is the next email.
I have made out my payment to you for this item purchase,So check your mail for the confirmation mail from paypal.Get back to me immediately you receive the confirmation mail from paypal and don't forget to send me your physical contact address and the exact time you will be at home.So i can schedule FedEx to come and pick them up from you in other to reduce the stress of you driving down to their location to send it.Then i can send you my daughters address and fedex account number.Hope to hear from you soon
Now, "Paypal" then sends me an email that says this.
Dear Justin Sheffield .
This email confirms that Judy Ballard, have paid droptopchevy@gmail.com $200.00 USD using PayPal.
Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites
You should never give your PayPal password to anyone, including PayPal employees.
Payment Details.
Purchase From: Justin Sheffield,
Item # Item Title Quantity Price Subtotal
USD $200.00
Shipping & Handling via Standard Delivery to :
Shipping Insurance(included): $00.00
Total: $200.00
Note:This PayPal�payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account Pending when the shipment tracking number is sent to our customers service at
pay-palcustomer-care@consultant.com for shipment verification so as to secure both the seller and the buyer.
Shipping Information
Shipping Info: Verified.
Address Status: Confirmed.
For more information on protecting yourself from fraud, please review our Security Tips at https://www.paypal.com/us/securitytips.
To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL ( https://www.paypal.com/us/) to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.:
Get Verified � Your Key to More Security and Free Features
Get Verified and help increase the security of your PayPal transactions for yourself and for everyone with whom you do business. You can also:
Fund purchases directly from your checking or savings account, in addition to using credit cards
Improve your reputation by letting others know you're a confirmed, Verified member of the PayPal community
Send money to friends, family, and PayPal Personal Account holders
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
PayPal Email ID PP274
Now, does this look legit or what? I go to paypal and log in and it shows 0.00 in my account. Is there any way I can talk to paypal, give them these numbers, and find out if this is in fact legit or a scam? If I am getting scammed I am going to run a reverse lookup on her Cali address and wreak some havoc.:rant: