Re: Damn Terrorists!
no no no. you guys dont understand. i'm not gonna blow sunshine up your a$$es here... they're using a tried and true strategy. they know damn well that they can piss us off, we'll go bonkers for a while and then get sick of it. has ANYONE taken a history class? Vietnam??? in a democratic (ok ok, democratic republic) society it is impossible to win an unpopular war. cant be done. we tried it in 'nam, and its basically how we won our independance. who thinks that a bunch of ragged colonists were gonna defeat the greatest army and navy in the world at the time? no, we just dragged things on and made it so miserable, the Brits just said, "screw it, let them have their stupid land." public disapproval ties the hands of the military behind its back. terrorism isnt a new thing. back then, you werent supposed to shoot at officers. war was supposed to be "gentlemanly". we were using guerilla tactics and shooting officers first among other things to just piss them off to the point where they'd leave us the hell alone. another one... somalia. in 1992 (or was it '93?) we had a detachment of special forces in somalia to try to keep the peace while food was being delivered to the starving masses. we had one mission go bad, we lost 19 men to the somali's 1000+ and we pulled out. (i dont think we should've been there in the first place we had no reason to get involved over there whatsoever, but hell, if you start something, you need to finish it, otherwise you get a reputation for being a pussy, which is exactly why the terrorists BELIEVE they can make us give in eventually...)
thats y israel is getting so much crap... the palstinians think sooner or later they'll just get fed up and give them what they want. its like nagging your parents... but with bombs. obviously, these terrorists are trying to nag us into staying the hell outta their territories. they use religion as a front to recruit followers and excuse their actions.
and then our soldiers listen to CNN or w/e out in Iraq and all they hear is how the american people dont want us in a war. bring our soldiers home! and then they go ON AND ON AND ON about one war crime a few guys committed. wtf? our troops are supposed to see this and think that we support them and we want them to make us proud when all we can do is complain about the war? the troops get demoralized and presto, you suddenly have a country that doesnt wanna fight. it'll just roll over. we'll get pissed off for a few years, and then its forgotten. all the terrorists gotta do is weather the initial storm.
EDIT: while i would LOVE to see how technology has improved our A-bomb, it really wont solve anything. the best thing to do is get Iraq settled down, get the gov't standing on its own two feet ASAP... finish the job we started.. and then leave that godforsaken dust pit and stay the hell outta world affairs for some time to come. natual disasters, civil war, w/e. short of our big allies in europe, fu*k 'em... let them figure it out. we try to help and we get crap for it every time. end of story.
Originally posted by RadRacer
thats y israel is getting so much crap... the palstinians think sooner or later they'll just get fed up and give them what they want. its like nagging your parents... but with bombs. obviously, these terrorists are trying to nag us into staying the hell outta their territories. they use religion as a front to recruit followers and excuse their actions.
and then our soldiers listen to CNN or w/e out in Iraq and all they hear is how the american people dont want us in a war. bring our soldiers home! and then they go ON AND ON AND ON about one war crime a few guys committed. wtf? our troops are supposed to see this and think that we support them and we want them to make us proud when all we can do is complain about the war? the troops get demoralized and presto, you suddenly have a country that doesnt wanna fight. it'll just roll over. we'll get pissed off for a few years, and then its forgotten. all the terrorists gotta do is weather the initial storm.
EDIT: while i would LOVE to see how technology has improved our A-bomb, it really wont solve anything. the best thing to do is get Iraq settled down, get the gov't standing on its own two feet ASAP... finish the job we started.. and then leave that godforsaken dust pit and stay the hell outta world affairs for some time to come. natual disasters, civil war, w/e. short of our big allies in europe, fu*k 'em... let them figure it out. we try to help and we get crap for it every time. end of story.