Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same? - Message Board


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Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

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  • Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

    I was reading something in the news stating that alot of New Yorkers don't like the idea of this new "Freedom Tower". Many feel that the city should simply rebuild the WTC towers to look exactly as they did before, but using better materials, safety features, technologies, etc.

    What do you think? I think they should rebuild them to look the same, perhaps a little higher. I don't see why the towers should be even an inch shorter (the Freedom Tower is not going to be as high).
    Yes, they should be identical
    No, they should use a new design
    They should look the same but be higher
    No preference

  • #2
    Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

    A memorial is being built where the towers use to stand. And also along with it will be the new "freedom tower"...I reall disagree with putting this tower in place, and the first line that came to my head was. "V for Vendetta" .....A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. A symbol, in and of itself is powerless, but with enough people behind it, blowing up a building can change the world.

    this is the link to the memorial that is being built in place of the towers.

    rebuilding....ok, maybe.

    rebuilding bigger or making the freedom tower in its place i think, is going to be a big mistake. and some will say "thats letting the terrorists win." Well for me, I wouldnt want my family, gf, spouse, kids whatever working in a building that has been constructed to basically "dare" terrorists, to show that that if you knock them down we will just build them bigger and give them a more Americanized name.....Doing that would only draw negative attention from terror groups. And just imagine if the "Freedom Tower" were to be bombed or whatever, then what?

    not worth it, plus the memorial is a great way to honor the people who lost their lives that day.
    Last edited by UDLOSE98; 08-22-2006, 02:56 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

      i say keep it the lights they have now shining in the sky, yeah the land its on it worth like 8709870987 million alone..... but its a part of us history and will always be..... it starts the erra where the us actually starts caring about the world..... terroism has been happening in just about every country but ours.... well terrorism of that extreme anyways, untill 9 11.... i say they it keep a reminder that to show that we are not outside that box....... and as a memorial


      • #4
        Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

        Originally posted by Big Tymer
        terroism has been happening in just about every country but ours
        its been going on sence the 1980's.
        1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


        • #5
          Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

          One of the difficulties here is that land is owned by somebody who paid a crapload of money for it. He needs to develop it to get a return on his investment (I am sure the insurance is paying to rebuild, but he still has the original mortgage for the property). Unless the city/state/feds buys the property from the owner, it needs to be developed again.

          Personally, I like the idea of a memorial and a single new tower. Replacing the towers with two identical ones almost makes it seems like we are saying everything is replacable. The lives lost are not replacable.


          • #6
            Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

            You guys have some good points. I just said no preference. I would like to see it rebuilt again but then again it is time to move on.

            It's been 10 years ago since I visited NY. I've been to the twin towers and everytime I think of NY I think of the statue of Liberty, Twin Towers and hot dog vendors.

            Twin Towers are gone. Can't go up the statue of Liberty anymore. Hopefully the hot dogs are still good. :D

            1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


            • #7
              Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

              i got an email a while back about this... apparently teh plans were to build it like a giant middle finger... i lol'd.
              2000 3.8L Camaro A4 Pewter Y87<br />K&N Filter, SLP Ram Air kit, Eibach Pro Kit, Flowmaster 80 series, Silverstars, NGK plugs and MSD Super Conductor Wires, Electric Water Pump


              • #8
                Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                Originally posted by Camaro Dom
                i got an email a while back about this... apparently teh plans were to build it like a giant middle finger... i lol'd.
                LOL, hahaha, that would really show those heathens.

                I dunno, i voted to have them rebuilt as before. You guys make a lot of good points as Thor said, but to me, just putting a memorial down is like giving up. Terrorists aim to inconvinence us to the point of changing our lifestyles, our way of life, and our way of thinking (usually in a way that benefits them). Its a case here of "sticks and stones", we wouldn't let a hostage situation change our tune, why this? Look at it this way: In the war of 1812 the British burnt Washington DC to the ground, the place was a ruins, and the captial was temporarily moved to Philly. Now it would have been fairly easy to keep the capital at Philadelphia (it was the original captial afterall), but instead they decided "**** the British, we're gonna rebuild our captial city". I think we should do the same in New York. **** the terrorists, lets have back the Twin Towers!

                Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                R.I.P. '07 Pats
                Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


                • #9
                  Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                  Originally posted by Mighty Thor
                  Can't go up the statue of Liberty anymore.
                  I thought they reopened it. Crispy might know.



                  • #10
                    Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                    why rebuild a design we know has huge faults?
                    2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                    • #11
                      Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                      Originally posted by BLLDOGG
                      why rebuild a design we know has huge faults?
                      Well obviously they would have to tweek it a little bit ;) I mean they didn't even know the buildings were that vulnerable before it happend, so i would think they'd take advantage of this knowledge if they did rebuild them.

                      Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                      i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                      R.I.P. '07 Pats
                      Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


                      • #12
                        Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                        Build em like the were but taller. Show those stupid ****s that NYC is resilient, has balls, and will rise up taller than before. The freedom tower is some political BS print up to make all the pols happy, and I hate it.

                        The statue of liberty is open but you can only go so high, I believe from the crown up you cant get into.


                        • #13
                          Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                          Originally posted by BLLDOGG
                          why rebuild a design we know has huge faults?
                          Srry bout the double post.

                          What design faults? That building was designed to withstand the impact of that very plane flying into it. I cant believe that building collapsed from a plane impact, or fires, that **** fell like it was imploded. I was watching a documentary on the building of the towers and the center of the building was solid...SOLID.

                          and to the comment about them being rebuilt as a middle finger (two smaller towers with a larger one in the middle) theres no way in hell that was ever happening, but it woulda had my vote if it counted!


                          • #14
                            Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                            Originally posted by BLLDOGG
                            why rebuild a design we know has huge faults?
                            Huge faults? Who woulda ever thought that a terrorist is going to just crash a jet into a building? This was so unexpected. I don't think people who designs buildings thinks about a jet crashing into it. Its kind of hard to make a building that can withstand that much force.
                            1997 Camaro Y87. Turbo.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pure Octane Racing</a>


                            • #15
                              Re: Should they rebuild the Twin Towers exactly the same?

                              Originally posted by ChronoGN
                              Huge faults? Who woulda ever thought that a terrorist is going to just crash a jet into a building? This was so unexpected. I don't think people who designs buildings thinks about a jet crashing into it. Its kind of hard to make a building that can withstand that much force.
                              Actually, it was designed to be able to withstand the impact of the largest jet liner at the time, dont know exactly which model that was, also was engineered to withstand heavy winds. It was in the contract or the city wouldnt let it be built.


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