My wonderful morning summed up in one link - Message Board


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My wonderful morning summed up in one link

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  • #16
    Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

    It's time to get the feck out of Schenectady man... :(

    When my stuff was stolen, they at least came out, but they didn't fingerprint. Said they don't waste their time on stuff like that. On a good note, they caught the theives a week later, and I got 3/4's my stuff back.
    <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">05 GTO</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">97 W68</a><br /><a href=\"http://dpo.rpai


    • #17
      Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

      Yeah, it could have been worse. I wondered why they didnt take the other stuff, I mean the stuff they left is worth far more than the deck, CDs, radar detector, etc that they yanked.

      I'm more pissed about my knife. It had sentimental value to me (and was worth $120 on top of that)

      Its really odd timing. Alarm has been broken for a while, and I never got around to fixing it, so in a lot of ways it is my own damn fault. I was parked in the parking lot of a company that is directly across the street from my apartment. I can see my car in that spot from my front window. It just sucks.


      • #18
        Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

        Originally posted by JusFlyinBy
        It's time to get the feck out of Schenectady man... :(

        When my stuff was stolen, they at least came out, but they didn't fingerprint. Said they don't waste their time on stuff like that. On a good note, they caught the theives a week later, and I got 3/4's my stuff back.
        I just want my damn knife back. With my luck they'll kill someone with it, and it's got my fingerprints all over it.

        Yeah, I need to get out of Schenectady. I'll be in a good position, finanially, to move in Dec, but in freaking Dec it will be snowing and who the hell wants to move in the Winter. I may have to hold out until Spring.

        But, if I can't get rid of these f'ing mice, I may just bite the bullet and move in a blizzard. :)


        • #19
          Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

          Originally posted by Infernal
          When I called the police to report it, they told me:

          "We don't generally send anyone out for these types of reports, but I'll issue you a case number and you can call us back in a day or two to find out if we're going to follow up on it, or not."
          they told me the same thing, i called them back and they acted like i was making a big deal out of nothing:mad: then they said they would mail me a copy of the report and i have never got it to this day that was 3 years ago:rant: i know that in the big picture of things the police have bigger things to worry about but dont talk down to me and then lie to me, i needed that report for the ins


          • #20
            Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

            you'd think the garlic would have scared them away :(


            • #21
              Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

              Whores. Well if the police won't help, let's hope your insurance company comes through for you.
     || 1996 Camaro, 15.159@92.5mph


              • #22
                Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

                Originally posted by bah
                you'd think the garlic would have scared them away :(
                You'd think. It was originally hanging from my rear-view mirror. They must have removed it to get at the radar detector.

                At least we know they weren't vampires.


                • #23
                  Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

                  Same **** happened to me last November. Police beating on my door at 4:30 in the morning on a Monday. I was new to the town and not alot of people knew what I had but some people that worked with my girlfriend at Applebee's. The cops even said they targeted my car as the tint was too dark to see in and all they took was head unit and amps. Didn't mess with anything else. They tried to get subs but trunk release quit working and they couldn't get hatch up and they would not pull through the back area. Bastards couldn't even get brick through window first try. had to bust side mirror and trim before getting it through. They left it. But cops did not take prints for me either. They don't have nothing else to do in Frankfort, KY. My place was the first on the street on capital ave which is DIRECTLY in front of the capital building. Real safe huh? I bought a house in a diffrent city now.
                  Originally posted by kala
                  I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

                  TEAM BLACK!!!
                  parting her out


                  • #24
                    Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

                    It's been a day now, so I'll go ahead and say it.... I bet it was alien related.
                    ~Chris<br />1999 Hugger Orange Camaro<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />†…faith…hope


                    • #25
                      Re: My wonderful morning summed up in one link

                      OUCH!!! I would just take the seats out to get all that glass. That really sucks, sorry to see it. :(
                      -Eric<br />2002 Navy Blue Camaro...Striped and Stalled. 35th Anniversary SS wheels <br />Best ET: 15.384 @ 88.32 on street tires<br />Project Whitney: Goal, 14.0 1/4 by summer 2008.


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