Took my new a4 WS6 down to the track for it's first time. I went with the car club. Really nice day outside. I have a bunch of pictures of them but they have all the ones of me. I'll post up what I have. But I can only post 4 pictures so you'll have to click on the rest
My best of the day was a 13.4 @ 102 MPH with a 2.01 60' and a .5941 RT. Not too shabby for a bone stock car huh? it is quite different from racing my old v6 camaro. I have to actully use the burnout box with this car. I learned that if I don't I make the staging line the new burnout box. I made 10 passes and only lost to two cars. One was a zo6 that ran a 12.7 because he wasn't using his 150shot and the other was a 02 SS who edged me out by .3. I couldn't beleive that the SS won. I had him off of the line and he was at my side mirror the entire way. Then he caught up at the end. Good race though. Anyways, here is some eye candy... Look for dmw319's car! He is the one who got me in the car club int he first place
Car Club Photos:

^^ Most of us are in that photo.
Track Pictures:

^^ A nice shot of dmw319's ***. I didn't intentionally take that picture...
^^ That Camaro ran a 8 something in the 1/4 :hail:
^^ I couldn't turn the stupid camera fast enough
^^ There is DMW319 running his car today! I'm sure he'll be here later to share his new time.
My best of the day was a 13.4 @ 102 MPH with a 2.01 60' and a .5941 RT. Not too shabby for a bone stock car huh? it is quite different from racing my old v6 camaro. I have to actully use the burnout box with this car. I learned that if I don't I make the staging line the new burnout box. I made 10 passes and only lost to two cars. One was a zo6 that ran a 12.7 because he wasn't using his 150shot and the other was a 02 SS who edged me out by .3. I couldn't beleive that the SS won. I had him off of the line and he was at my side mirror the entire way. Then he caught up at the end. Good race though. Anyways, here is some eye candy... Look for dmw319's car! He is the one who got me in the car club int he first place
Car Club Photos:

^^ Most of us are in that photo.
Track Pictures:

^^ A nice shot of dmw319's ***. I didn't intentionally take that picture...
^^ That Camaro ran a 8 something in the 1/4 :hail:
^^ I couldn't turn the stupid camera fast enough
^^ There is DMW319 running his car today! I'm sure he'll be here later to share his new time.