This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for? - Message Board


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This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

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  • This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

    Please keep it clean and don't attack member's point of view.

    I'm voting for Republican. Here's my reason:

    I want the Tax Cut to continue.

    I want tighter border and legal immigration. I want the 700 mile border wall and I don't want it cancelled.

    I oppose gay right marriage but support civil union.

    I support the Patriot Act because it has helped us block and foiled many terrorist act on us.

    I do not support civil rights for captured Terrorist and I do not believe they should be release any time soon and the serious ones should be put to death. Yes, I support torture to some extent to get the info. we need, because they would do it to us but more extreme.

    I do not support Cloning human beings therefore I do not support Embryotic Stem -- Sorry Michael J. Fox.

    But I do support Adult Stem Cell and Embilicord Stem cell.

    Poll will close Nov. 8th

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Mighty Thor; 11-05-2006, 01:37 AM.

    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT

  • #2
    Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

    I agree.
    1995 Patriot Red T-Topped Z28 A4<br /><br />Mystery rebuild in progress.<br /><br />Soon to have 383 ways to beat KBreezy and Shane. :D


    • #3
      Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

      When lines are drawn, I am a Republican but I'm a centralist so I don't vote based on parties. I break down each position and compare the candidates on what they say they support and weather i believe they are qualified. however, In this state, its been for awhile now that we have had republican majority control making the laws with Democrats heading everything else like Governor, Attorney General, etc..

      On my ballot list, it is actually split 4 Republicans and 4 Demarcates that I will be voting for.
      Last edited by BLLDOGG; 11-05-2006, 01:41 AM.
      2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


      • #4
        Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

        Originally posted by Mighty Thor
        I'm voting for Republican. Here's my reason:

        I want the Tax Cut to continue.

        I want tighter border and legal immigration. I want the 700 mile border wall and I don't want it cancelled.

        I oppose gay right marriage but support civil union.

        I support the Patriot Act because it has helped us block and foiled many terrorist act on us.

        I do not support civil rights for captured Terrorist and I do not believe they should be release any time soon and the serious ones should be put to death. Yes, I support torture to some extent to get the info. we need, because they would do it to us but more extreme.

        I do not support Cloning human beings therefore I do not support Embryotic Stem -- Sorry Michael J. Fox.

        But I do support Adult Stem Cell and Embilicord Stem cell.
        I'm voting Democrat. Here's my reason.

        The tax cuts helped the rich the most, and created enormous budget deficits. Federal spending (outside of defense) is way up, more than with Clinton.

        The 700 mile border wall is pure politics and will do nothing, except cost a lot of money. The only answer to the problem is to go after employers.

        I oppose gay marriage and support civil union.

        I object to the Patriot Act because it trashes many citizens rights that Americans have fought and died for.

        I believe someones legal rights should not be taken away simply because the Executive branch of government labels them a "terrorist", if that label is not subject to any review by the courts. Why should we trust the government? I oppose torture because it doesn't work and will be used by other countries to justify torturing us.

        I support embryonic stem cell research. The embryos used are extras left over from couples trying to have a baby and they would be destroyed in any event. Banning the research saves no embryos at all, nor does it cause embryos to be created for research, they have plenty of extras available. It also doesn't promote cloning.

        But mostly because they lied about Iraq, and led us into a useless war that has cost the lives of far too many of our brave and dedicated soldiers. If we leave tomorrow Iraq will be a mess. If we leave in five years, Iraq will be a mess. We accomplished nothing, except to make the Iraqis lives worse than they were under Saddam, and to create more terrorists.
        Last edited by V6Bob; 11-05-2006, 03:12 AM.
        2000 Firebird convert, chameleon/tan, M5, Y87, TCS, BMR tower brace and panhard, KBDD sfcs, 245/50-16 GSCs


        • #5
          Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

          I'm young and stupid, and round here the republicans just don't have the platform that the democrats are showing imo. As cliche as it is...time for a change in Ohio. Remember I'm young and stupid though.


          • #6
            Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

            Imo... I could give a flying **** what party the canidate I like is in.

            I vote on each canidate as I see them. BTW seems like there are alot of conservative democrats out there.


            • #7
              Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

              Im not voting, because....

              1. Im not registered.
              2. Two political parties are coming from the same bucket of sh*t.
              3. There is no political party that favors all Americans equally, only certain groups of people are good enough for these parties, and alot of the times its not a domestic group.
              4. Back to #3, the foreign policy of BOTH parties does not share my views.
              5. Both parties involve too much religion into their political views, which in my belief should be kept completely out of government of ANY kind.
              6. Because NO American, not even the President himself, has any right to infringe upon the rights of another unless that persons rights and priveledges infringes upon another Americans life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.
              7. Because most of the candidates today represent a part of American public that NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THEMSELVES AND NOT WHAT ANOTHER PERSON IS DOING!!!

              And last of all.....

              8. Because I am a revolutionist, who believes this system is broken beyond repair. Between the war in Iraq, the victims of Katrina, our sagging economic ideaology, layoffs, OUTSOURCING, and a President so dumb he can't talk or read right, I have lost faith in this system. Everyone thinks that voting is the only way to solve the growing problems with our government, whether it be on a local, state, or federal level. All voting does anymore is shuffle the same sh*t around every year, and people feel good, FEEL GOOD, that they believe they made a difference. Guess what? You haven't. Same problems year after year after year after year. It saddens me to see how this country has slowly started to degrade, and thats because we have all forgotten that we are Americans above all else. We are a mix of culture, color, ideaology, but in the end, we are all members of what can still be a great nation. It has become apparent to me that as long as we disagree, fight, bicker in all levels of government, as well as everyday life, the rift that is driving this country apart grows more and more by the minute. People would rather call themselves Jewish, black, white, Nazi, Muslim, Christian, before they call themselves American, and it is this grouping of the classes, races, religions, and beliefs that have torn apart this country. Is anyone not AMERICAN anymore? Is it not good enough for you to be an American? Is it better to be white than American?

              Only when we have once again become a UNITED peoples will we ever gain full control of the mess we call government. We need to reform and revamp a system that no longer has validity in the 21st century, but in order to do that we MUST put aside our petty and insignificant differences, and come together again as a free united peoples of America. It is the differences among us that make us a great and powerful nation, but the only thing that was greater than our differences was our ability to put those differences and beliefs aside and come together as a united nation. We have long lost this ability.

              To you voters out there, I ask you to read something before you vote, and read it well. If you are a voter who is a concerned citizen of this country and believes that the only way to change anything is to vote, then I BEG you to read this. This is The First Amendment of the United States Contitution.

              Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
              We have the right, RIGHT, as American citizens to question the government on ALL policies and procedures, and if needed, to change said policies and procedures. We will NEVER be able to do this if we are a divided people. If you are a concerned American citizen, then you must be a free and united people of America to ever really make any change. I ask you voters today and everyday to put aside the differences you have with one another, and come together as a united peoples once again. Only then will the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be enjoyed by everyone.

              United We Stand, Divided We Fall!!!

              Thank you

              Wesley James Miskowiec, citizen of the United States of America
              Last edited by Mogobs30th; 11-05-2006, 04:34 AM.
              1995 Pontiac Firebird
              2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


              • #8
                Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

                Originally posted by DAS BOOT
                Imo... I could give a flying **** what party the canidate I like is in.

                I vote on each canidate as I see them.
                QFT. I was pissed when I saw only two options in this poll. Voting party lines is one of the reasons two party politics does not work well.

                Vote the person, not the party.



                • #9
                  Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

                  Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird

                  Vote the person, not the party.

                  QFT !!

                  Old people shouldnt use the internet.


                  • #10
                    Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

                    Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird
                    QFT. I was pissed when I saw only two options in this poll. Voting party lines is one of the reasons two party politics does not work well.

                    Vote the person, not the party.

                    that is true, but this is not a presidential vote.. and since we are all from different states, itd be kinda tough to make an accurate pole besides that which is posted (other than including other parties)

                    Oh, and i vote republican for the most part...
                    Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


                    • #11
                      Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

                      Mogobs30th: If our democracy ever fails, it will be because too many people refuse to vote. If people don't vote, how is the system supposed to work? Yes, you're choosing between a "giant douche and a turd sandwich" as South Park put it, but it's better to vote than not. Maybe you're right about the system having failed, maybe you're right that I don't make a difference when I vote, but by voting I make a lot more of a difference than you do by staying home. Refraining from voting will not solve our nation's problems.

                      I will be voting democrat for several reasons:

                      1. ALL of our legislators in Oklahoma voted for that stupid Military Commissions Act, which revokes habeas corpus in cases in which people have been determined to be "unlawful enemy combatants." The definition of "unlawful enemy combatant" does not exclude American citizens!
                      Then they voted against an amendment to the act which would curb the president's power to convene military commissions in 2011.

                      2. I believe firmly in the separation of church and state. The First Amendment to the Constitution reads that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Contrary to common thought (that it's nowhere in the Constitution), that's where the separation of church and state idea originates, and it is clearly stated. Republicans run on a religious ticket and wish to impose their religious (and other) values on others who don't necessarily accept them.

                      3. The Republicans have systematically worked to dismantle democracy in this country by destroying civil rights (see Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act) and will go so far as to change rules in Congress to accomplish their ends: for example, trying to curb the filibuster in the Senate.
                      They will stop at nothing to consolidate their power. Most of the bills that come to vote in the House and Senate now are not even open to amendment. The Republicans hammer out the bills behind closed doors, leaving democrats scrambling to find the meetings, then when the bills reach the floor, they are closed to amendment. These partisan tactics HAVE TO STOP.

                      4. The Republicans use fear to accomplish their ends: they have worked to arouse such blind fear of terrorism that the people of this nation and in the Congress have allowed them to get away with far too much without any kind of inquiry or investigation. The President and his administration LIED to us about the reasons for going into Iraq, and now they're mishandling Iraq.

                      5. Gay marriage and immigration aren't as important to me, we should take care of them and move on. Gay marriage is CUT AND DRY to me: LET THEM GET MARRIED, WHY DO YOU CARE? In this nation in which over half of marriages end in divorce, how is marriage such a sacred institution that one feels it necessary to be so BIGOTED and closed-minded to not allow gay people to marry? As far as immigration goes, that's a distraction from important issues...consider this; are the illegal Mexicans any more of a drain on society than people who draw government benefits but are tax exempt? If you're not paying taxes and you're getting the benefit of public institutions, you're just as much of a drain as any hardworking, lawnmowing Mexican who is just trying to make a better life for himself.

                      I would just like to state that I don't believe the Democrats would do much better if given the opportunities and power the Republicans have had. That's why it's important not to have a tyranny of the majority, which James Madison warned us about in Federalist #10.

                      "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
                      -John F. Kennedy

                      The Republicans are attempting to make peaceful revolution impossible, and this must be stopped.
                      Last edited by Camarorulz; 11-05-2006, 12:02 PM.
                      -Eric<br />2002 Navy Blue Camaro...Striped and Stalled. 35th Anniversary SS wheels <br />Best ET: 15.384 @ 88.32 on street tires<br />Project Whitney: Goal, 14.0 1/4 by summer 2008.


                      • #12
                        Re: This Tuesday's election which Party are you voting for?

                        Mogobs30th: If our democracy ever fails, it will be because too many people refuse to vote. If people don't vote, how is the system supposed to work? Yes, you're choosing between a "giant douche and a turd sandwich" as South Park put it, but it's better to vote than not. Maybe you're right about the system having failed, maybe you're right that I don't make a difference when I vote, but by voting I make a lot more of a difference than you do by staying home. Refraining from voting will not solve our nation's problems.
                        Our democracy has already failed, its not a question of when anymore. And the reason is because too many people vote, instead of standing up and petioning for redress of grievances. You say you make more of a difference by voting, I say you are wrong. By simply stating the alternatives here on this board to the 8,000+ members, I have done far more than any one voter could ever do, but again, like any other voter, I have barely scratched the surface. You have mistaken me for being plain lazy. Im not just staying home this election day and doing nothing. Doing nothing will not solve the problems of the nation, but coming together, as I have said many times in my last post, as a UNITED PEOPLES OF AMERICA will solve problems. There are too many generalized problems that ALL Americans would agree would be benefical to fix. Does anyone in here AGREE with the way the war has gone? Does anyone believe that the New Orleans and Katrina relief was deliberately and intentionally mishandled? Too many good citizens of all ethnic, racial, political, and financial backgrounds have paid the price for this governments lack of intelligence on all levels. Something must change before we become too divided to be a united nation.

                        Im going to stay out of the rest of this thread. Whatever is said can be said about me, but I assure you, I am not one to simply do nothing this Tuesday. I believe I have done more by showing everyone among the board their alternatives than any voter ever could punching holes in a card.
                        1995 Pontiac Firebird
                        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


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