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  • #31

    Originally posted by TealV6
    But then summer comes in and I'm whippin V8s with the bike :naughty:
    hahaha so true...i raced a couple ls1's with my the end of first they were toast lol

    87 Firebird RIP
    96 Camaro RS RIP
    94 Patriot Red 1LE Z28 - Sold
    02 WS6 TA - Sold


    • #32

      Originally posted by SilverRS96
      and u do relize all of what ur sayin is ur opinion right?...i could care less to what they think about a v6 fbody but for them to rag on us if just can any of them make fun of it? half of them have def started out in 1...that whole thread that started this discussion is the reason y i do not post much over there and stick to the v6 boards...they just dont care
      No, I was explaining the opinion of a lot of people I see post on tech and cz28. I wanted you to understand where there viewpoint is coming from so you don't post in such a thread "OMG I LUV mI fYrebird how cud u not lik it??!!??"

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th
      I guess you are completely forgetting the fact that most older people that have decent daily drivers have NEWER daily drivers as well. Now that we have established that fact, you must also remember that they haven't made any fbodies in almost 5 years.
      Actually, I mentioned that in my post that you quoted implicitly, I guess you skipped over it.

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th
      Yes, it is true that the more sought after fbodies are the V8's, but to say the V6's are worthless, I wouldnt say that. You also can't put a 3.4l in the same group as a 3.8l, the 60 degree is an engine that has been around for almost 20 years, and has been overbored from the 2.8l's.
      Show me where I've ever said that the V6 Camaro's are worthless. The SBC engine has been around for over 50 years, what's your point?

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th
      And then you want to go on about quality. Well, for the price of a V6 Camaro or Firebird in the ....idk '97 year, I think the quality is pretty good compared to cars of a similar price range.
      If you say so, I wasn't driving back in '97. But by 2000 when I started driving it was pretty apparent that the build quality was sub par, especially in comparison to what else was driving around, but it wasn't ever really a big issue to me though back then.

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th
      BTW, I am one of the older established members of this board, I came over with several people from BECAUSE of such posts. Not all of the established members have given up and gotten rid of their car, or stopped driving it, like James, Shirl, and Steve (Tealv6). There are MANY members on this board that still drive their Fbodies on a daily basis, have racked up many miles on those fbodies, and have had very little problems. Like most LS1 drivers, you have underestimated the power that can be made from a 3800 Series II or III engine, and the reliability of those engines. This street kinda goes two ways, you want all out speed, get an LS1, you want a strong reliable engine, get a 3800 Series II. If I was worried completely about quality, there would be a '08 Cadillac DTS in my parking lot.
      No, they haven't gotten rid of their cars, they don't take them to work and run errands in them every day either. I don't think you are understanding the distinction between build quality and reliability. My 3800 was very reliable, and so have my LS1's been. I daily drive my LS1, rack up 15000 miles a year at the very least, spray it and race every weekend when the track is open. The only thing I've replaced that I didn't break myself driving was the battery, so far.

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th
      The whole point I am trying to make is, and it is a point I have tried to express since I came to this board almost 6 years ago, that not everyone wants a V8. Some of us wanted a nice looking, QUALITY car, for an inexpensive price and good gas mileage. And then there are some of us that wanted a V6 fbody to prove to the V8 crowd that their s**t stinks just like ours, and we go out and beat them on the track.
      Make that point to someone else then, because I always have gotten it. I guess since I have a V8 I am just assumed to be here to troll and knock V6's? If you think so, prove it.

      What I wanted was a 98+ Camaro that was a streetable daily driver that could hit 11's -or faster- close to street form. I got that and more out of my car, with a little under $2k in mods. Who else has done that? Let's see, Viper just hit 11's, and broke down on the way home. He also has over $30k IN MODS iirc, I'm not going to knock Viper's car because I like it too much, but he's just my example in this case. You can see why it wasn't feasible for me to spend tons of cash and time that I don't have and reach my goal just so Mogobs30th on would think I was cool.

      If you want to build your V6 to run 10s, that's unique and respectable, once again I don't have the time and money to do so. OF COURSE the 3800 is capable. But the means to get it there are just not for me, right now anyways.

      Btw, when you say 'we' go out and beat them on the track, I'm assuming you're beating up on V8's as well? Where is the info to your car, have you taken out a lot of well driven '03 Cobras and such?
      2001 Black Z28 M6<br />Sprayed, slotted, geared and more~


      • #33

        Originally posted by nikon
        hey, Im established too :D ^^^more posts than joo!!!!!
        I don't think # of posts establishes credibility. Hell, just look at BLLDOG
        2001 Black Z28 M6<br />Sprayed, slotted, geared and more~


        • #34

          Originally posted by WishIHad$$$
          I wanted you to understand where there viewpoint is coming from so you don't post in such a thread "OMG I LUV mI fYrebird how cud u not lik it??!!??"
          i understand where ur view point is comin from...and i def understand that every1 isnt gonna like every single fbody out there but to talkin down on the v6 community as a whole is just retarded

          87 Firebird RIP
          96 Camaro RS RIP
          94 Patriot Red 1LE Z28 - Sold
          02 WS6 TA - Sold


          • #35

            Originally posted by SilverRS96
            i understand where ur view point is comin from...and i def understand that every1 isnt gonna like every single fbody out there but to talkin down on the v6 community as a whole is just retarded
            Once again, it is not ~MY~ viewpoint that I was trying to explain. For all the threads in the future like this that some people are wondering why not everyone likes V6 fbodies, well, the response I offered is one reason why. That's basically all I wanted to say about this thread.
            2001 Black Z28 M6<br />Sprayed, slotted, geared and more~


            • #36

              Actually, I mentioned that in my post that you quoted implicitly, I guess you skipped over it.
     didn't. I read you post three times, not one time did you mention anything I said.

              The SBC engine has been around for over 50 years, what's your point?
              No one is talking about the SBC, NO ONE!!! I already made my point as to comparing the 3.4l to the 3.8l. The 3.4l is outdated, SERIOUSLY outdated. And when I mean 3.4l I mean the 3400 RWD platform. The SBC can be just about ANY GM engine under 409 c.i.d. thats not really narrowing it down much. Don't be so stupid as to not know what I am talking about.

              Show me where I've ever said that the V6 Camaro's are worthless.
              I wasn't talking about you, but this is what you get for explaining SOMEONE ELSES opinions. Let them explain their opinions to me, not you. I was generalizing as to the group over at, not you specifically.

              If you say so, I wasn't driving back in '97. But by 2000 when I started driving it was pretty apparent that the build quality was sub par, especially in comparison to what else was driving around, but it wasn't ever really a big issue to me though back then.
              And this is why the Fbody platform was discontinued after 2002. You weren't around in 1997, when I was driving. The build quality at the time was good, only thing GM did was keep everything the way it was while the market got better. To say it was subpar is a biased opinion, simply because you were 12 when my Camaro was made and when I started driving and comparing cars. But nothing changed between the 97 to 02 years, in either the drivetrain or cosmetic part save for the front fascia change and the LS1. But because GM had announced the discontinuation of the Fbody in 1998, there was no reason to do a bunch of changes, it would have cost more money for no reason at all.

              No, they haven't gotten rid of their cars, they don't take them to work and run errands in them every day either.
              TealV6, the co-owner and administrator of this message board, no longer owns a V6 fbody. I know who owns his car, that would be 3.4 slow to go, because I have driven it down the track in Ohio, wanna see pics? I know whats going on, please dont sit there and tell me.

              What I wanted was a 98+ Camaro that was a streetable daily driver that could hit 11's -or faster- close to street form. I got that and more out of my car, with a little under $2k in mods. Who else has done that? Let's see, Viper just hit 11's, and broke down on the way home. He also has over $30k IN MODS iirc, I'm not going to knock Viper's car because I like it too much, but he's just my example in this case. You can see why it wasn't feasible for me to spend tons of cash and time that I don't have and reach my goal just so Mogobs30th on would think I was cool.

              If you want to build your V6 to run 10s, that's unique and respectable, once again I don't have the time and money to do so. OF COURSE the 3800 is capable. But the means to get it there are just not for me, right now anyways.

              Btw, when you say 'we' go out and beat them on the track, I'm assuming you're beating up on V8's as well? Where is the info to your car, have you taken out a lot of well driven '03 Cobras and such?
              1. Viper I don't believe has spent $30k on engine, drivetrain, and suspension mods. He spent all that money on EVERYTHING, including repairs. But there are people out there that have spent LESS money, on their 3800 Series II and III engines and have gone MUCH faster. I believe the current 3800 Series II record is in the low 9's, and with only $28k spent. Would I spend that kind of money, yeah....just don't have it right now. Its not about how much you spend in the first place, its about having the appropriate mods to compliment what power adder or what not. I have seen people throw $30k in their car on what they believe is going to work better, and end up in the 12's.

              2. The only thing I can agree with you on is that you don't have to impress anyone or spend a ton of money to reach your goal. Personally, I think LS1 owners are just a dime a dozen. They don't impress me at all. You put a V8 into the 11' stunned. But that is not the point I am trying to make.

              3. Do I beat up on V8' I can barely feed myself. Im 36k in debt and have NOTHING, absolutely nothing to show for it, no education, no car of my own, no house, nothing. Just this 6 year old computer and a 1995 Firebird that barely runs. But when I say "WE" I mean the people of this board, the true die hard people who have done the time, put the money into their cars, LIKE VIPER, because I am allowed to. Ive earned it. Ive been here for 6 damn years, listening to the bashing, the pointless dribble from the V8 owners, the naysayers that said it couldn't be done, sitting back and not being able to do nothing with this car that I have wanted to do before most of you could drive. If I had the money to spend, I would have done it by now, there is no question among here on ANYONES mind about that.
              1995 Pontiac Firebird
              2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


              • #37

                Originally posted by WishIHad$$$
                I don't think # of posts establishes credibility. Hell, just look at BLLDOG
                Whats that supposed to mean?

                I smell a lock....

                Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                R.I.P. '07 Pats
                Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


                • #38

                  i smelt that 4 pages ago

                  87 Firebird RIP
                  96 Camaro RS RIP
                  94 Patriot Red 1LE Z28 - Sold
                  02 WS6 TA - Sold


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by SilverRS96
                    i smelt that 4 pages ago
                    .... uh... well i .. i woulda smelt it 5 pages ago if i'd been reading it :p so there!

                    Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                    i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                    R.I.P. '07 Pats
                    Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


                    • #40

                      yeah.. I think we've made our point here.... closing it down..

                      carry on.. nothing to see here....
                      Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
                      Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


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