5 quarts of Royal Purple @ $6.99 per quart.
$2 Oversized Fram Oil Filter PH-3980
1 Can of SeaFoam @ $4.99
1 can of Seafoam in the crankcase to rid of varnish and gunk, fired up the motor for a 5 min crankcase degreasing.
Drained and recycled the old Castrol GTX 10w30 and added the Royal Purple Synthetic 10w30. Threw in the oversized FRAM oil filter. Checked everything else, all is fine. Fired up the motor and rolled off from the ramps.
I have to admit that this stuff is really good however I did not notice any effects until after the first initial 500 miles. It looked pretty cool adding a different colored oil and expecting something in return however the wait was worth it. Now my engine has increased power and you can feel it. I am experiencing better mileage too. During my daily highway commutes, I always hear my motor rev a bit louder for some reason. Royal Purple claims that you can get 12 extra horsepower from just an oil change so maybe it upped my 3.8L in a higher powerband and I absolutely love it. I find myself in the passing lane a lot as a side note to hear my motor growl as I row the gears. The added built in engine protection Royal Purple also adds gives me confidence that I can experiment with later oil change intervals but that will be in my future reviews. Royal Purple rules!
Has anyone else experienced the high tech benefits of Royal Purple? Feel free to comment and other brands like Lucas Oil Treatments. We could all use some insight on such useful engine additives.
5 quarts of Royal Purple @ $6.99 per quart.
$2 Oversized Fram Oil Filter PH-3980
1 Can of SeaFoam @ $4.99
1 can of Seafoam in the crankcase to rid of varnish and gunk, fired up the motor for a 5 min crankcase degreasing.
Drained and recycled the old Castrol GTX 10w30 and added the Royal Purple Synthetic 10w30. Threw in the oversized FRAM oil filter. Checked everything else, all is fine. Fired up the motor and rolled off from the ramps.
I have to admit that this stuff is really good however I did not notice any effects until after the first initial 500 miles. It looked pretty cool adding a different colored oil and expecting something in return however the wait was worth it. Now my engine has increased power and you can feel it. I am experiencing better mileage too. During my daily highway commutes, I always hear my motor rev a bit louder for some reason. Royal Purple claims that you can get 12 extra horsepower from just an oil change so maybe it upped my 3.8L in a higher powerband and I absolutely love it. I find myself in the passing lane a lot as a side note to hear my motor growl as I row the gears. The added built in engine protection Royal Purple also adds gives me confidence that I can experiment with later oil change intervals but that will be in my future reviews. Royal Purple rules!
Has anyone else experienced the high tech benefits of Royal Purple? Feel free to comment and other brands like Lucas Oil Treatments. We could all use some insight on such useful engine additives.