long story short...

Looks pretty slammed in that first picture.. got rid of that gap finally. should have rolled the fender a bit though.
it was raining pretty bad here about 11 days ago. i was on a straight ramp getting onto the freeway going about 40-45mph when the car began to hydroplane (hit a puddle on an unlit uneven surface). it happened so quickly and smoothly i realized what was happening only when i noticed that the engine rpm went up slightly. i think if i was on the throttle more i may have noticed it in time. as soon as i lightly lifted the throttle, the back end casually stepped out to the left and i began sliding off to the right at 45mph - no slowing until i met the tree that probably saved my life. it hit front left, then the car pivoted and the driver's side door met the main trunk of the tree - shattering the window. i had glass in my pockets, glass everywhere.
i walked away with only a small cut on my right palm from when i had to hop over the arm rest (there was a nice chunk of glass waiting). i also had a slight concussion from the quick change in speed.
before the chp officers arrived, i pulled the nitrous bracket off the hump and shoved it behind the driver's seat, covered with my jacket. they didn't write a report because they would have had to cite me.
the tow truck guy was cool. he had a 5.0 mustang. i got him talking about it before he dropped me off at my place. we had a nice conversation going and so he let me take all signs of nitrous use off the car before taking it to the tow yard where the insurance guy would be checking it out the following day.
so i found out that the damage to the car is about 90% of the value = totaled.
no more bright rally red 2001 camaro convertible for me :cry:

Looks pretty slammed in that first picture.. got rid of that gap finally. should have rolled the fender a bit though.
it was raining pretty bad here about 11 days ago. i was on a straight ramp getting onto the freeway going about 40-45mph when the car began to hydroplane (hit a puddle on an unlit uneven surface). it happened so quickly and smoothly i realized what was happening only when i noticed that the engine rpm went up slightly. i think if i was on the throttle more i may have noticed it in time. as soon as i lightly lifted the throttle, the back end casually stepped out to the left and i began sliding off to the right at 45mph - no slowing until i met the tree that probably saved my life. it hit front left, then the car pivoted and the driver's side door met the main trunk of the tree - shattering the window. i had glass in my pockets, glass everywhere.
i walked away with only a small cut on my right palm from when i had to hop over the arm rest (there was a nice chunk of glass waiting). i also had a slight concussion from the quick change in speed.
before the chp officers arrived, i pulled the nitrous bracket off the hump and shoved it behind the driver's seat, covered with my jacket. they didn't write a report because they would have had to cite me.
the tow truck guy was cool. he had a 5.0 mustang. i got him talking about it before he dropped me off at my place. we had a nice conversation going and so he let me take all signs of nitrous use off the car before taking it to the tow yard where the insurance guy would be checking it out the following day.
so i found out that the damage to the car is about 90% of the value = totaled.
no more bright rally red 2001 camaro convertible for me :cry: