Went home to pick up my xbox 360 and while I was replacing a speaker in the driveway I went inside to get the new speaker and heard a loud crash. I run out to see what it is and there is nothing. No cars or anything. 
I then go back inside and hear people yelling... Two women outside are paked in the middle of the street and cussing each other out. They start to fight and I decide to call the police before it gets out of control and then end up bring the fight towards my house. I call the cops and then they leave at that moment back into the subdivision. I tell the cops to not worry about it until I noticed the car across the street was totalled. The bumper was tore off and the trunk was pushed in. I didn't think it just happened until I thought about the noise I heard and the women cussing each other out. The police show up and knock on the neighboors door... the lady then says "OMG my car!"
The cops fly down the street and come back 5 minutes later with a women in their car. Apparently the lady was turning around in a driveway and when her mom pulled up to yell at her for taking the truck she jumped out and left the truck in reverse which then hit the neighboors car. They argued and then left. My neighboor was upset but thanked me for calling the police. I can't believe my own car isn't safe in my own driveway... or my parents driveway I mean.

I then go back inside and hear people yelling... Two women outside are paked in the middle of the street and cussing each other out. They start to fight and I decide to call the police before it gets out of control and then end up bring the fight towards my house. I call the cops and then they leave at that moment back into the subdivision. I tell the cops to not worry about it until I noticed the car across the street was totalled. The bumper was tore off and the trunk was pushed in. I didn't think it just happened until I thought about the noise I heard and the women cussing each other out. The police show up and knock on the neighboors door... the lady then says "OMG my car!"
The cops fly down the street and come back 5 minutes later with a women in their car. Apparently the lady was turning around in a driveway and when her mom pulled up to yell at her for taking the truck she jumped out and left the truck in reverse which then hit the neighboors car. They argued and then left. My neighboor was upset but thanked me for calling the police. I can't believe my own car isn't safe in my own driveway... or my parents driveway I mean.