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Chris Benoit & family dead

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  • #16
    Re: Chris Benoit & family dead

    from what i heard, he killed the wife one day, the kid the next, and then the following day he killed himself. word around now is that the wifey was cheating on him, and that the kid wasnt even his.

    roid rage doesnt last 3 days, they may have been a part, but if he did do this over a 3+ day period of time, it wasnt just becuase of the roids.
    1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


    • #17
      Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

      No matter how messed up I was on any kind of drug or intoxicant, there is NO WAY IN HELL I could do that to my family, or friends, hell, even a stranger. But I guess it's better that he is no longer here to hurt other's innocent lives.


      • #18
        Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

        Here's a twist in the case, don't know if anyone caught this on the news. Apparently Wikipedia posted the wife's death before it was ever released to anyone or known by the world. The IP address that made the update came from CT where the WWE is located. Just adds to the speculation and mystery. Benoit Mystery

        When you click on the link select the story that says WWE Mystery
        Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


        • #19
          Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

          A steroids-induced "rage" may have played a role in the murder-suicide case of WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, who killed his wife and son last weekend and then hanged himself by the pulley of his weightlifting machine. Wrestling officials argued that steroids couldn't be the cause of death because Benoit's actions took place over several days, which suggested deliberation instead of rage. How long does 'roid rage last?

          It depends on the 'roid and the person who's using it. Steroids-induced rage takes many forms, but in general, it's characterized by mania, mood swings, impatience, paranoia, and uncontrollable aggression. Sometimes the performance-enhancing drugs also cause psychosis, depression, or suicidal thoughts; other times they actually relieve depression. The specific psychological effects depend on the type of drug, its dosage, and the method of administration, as well as the individual brain chemistry of the user. 'Roid rage can come in short outbursts, cyclical bouts, or a long-lasting period of psychosis. These problems can be temporary, or they can recur for almost a year after a long-lasting oil-based injection.

          Steroid use has been blamed for violence in a number of high-profile deaths. In 2003, Taylor Hooton, a 17-year-old Texan, hanged himself after taking Anadrol and Deca 300. Hooton's parents said that the high-school baseball player became irritable and angry after he started doping, stealing money and punching a rival so hard the wound needed nine stitches. In 1998, a former Mr. Universe named Bertil Fox was convicted for the double murder of his former fiancee and her mother, and bodybuilding couple Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan will soon be on trial for suffocating their assistant.

          It's not always easy to sort out what's causing what, however. Some research suggests that people who are prone to steroid abuse are also more susceptible to personality disorders and run-ins with the law. And despite all these stories of violence, the vast majority of steroid users don't seem to suffer any of the effects of 'roid rage. Some studies on aggression and anabolic steroids have found little connection between the two, but other evidence suggests that the high doses taken by athletes can sometimes cause serious psychological changes. (A double-blind, randomized study published in 2000 produced manic episodes in 4 percent of the test subjects.) Conditions might be very different outside of the laboratory, however. For example, athletes often "stack," or take a number of steroids at the same time, which could lead to unpredictable side effects.


          • #20
            Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

            You should quote your sources otherwise it's plagiarism ;) I'm not debating steroids being bad hell I don't even care. If you watch the video that I linked to it was rather interesting. Steroid use or not there are some serious questions which are rather unexplainable revolving around the whole case.
            Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


            • #21
              Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

              Notice WWE superstars are dropping like flies. I just found out that Eddie Guerrero past away because of an enlarged heart and steriods was a big factor.

              The British Bulldog past away again this one with relation to steriod. Hawk from Road Warriors or Legions of Doom also past away and huge amount of roids was found in him.

              Let see, Kurt Henning aka Mr. Perfect and Ravishing Rick Rude are dead. Vince M. better wake up. His wrestlers are dying young.

              Alot of these wrestlers, present and past, are suffering from chronic pain and mental anguish. They got this from wrestling in the ring and not allowing their body to rest. It's like day in and day out.

              Eventhough it's fake, being body slam, drop kick, pile driven, and hit by chair has got to hurt.

              1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


              • #22
                Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

                Originally posted by youngsc
                You should quote your sources otherwise it's plagiarism ;) ...
                Sorry; yesterday... :o


                • #23
                  Re: Chris Benoit &amp; family dead

                  Originally posted by Mighty Thor
                  Notice WWE superstars are dropping like flies. I just found out that Eddie Guerrero past away because of an enlarged heart and steriods was a big factor.

                  The British Bulldog past away again this one with relation to steriod. Hawk from Road Warriors or Legions of Doom also past away and huge amount of roids was found in him.

                  Let see, Kurt Henning aka Mr. Perfect and Ravishing Rick Rude are dead. Vince M. better wake up. His wrestlers are dying young.

                  Alot of these wrestlers, present and past, are suffering from chronic pain and mental anguish. They got this from wrestling in the ring and not allowing their body to rest. It's like day in and day out.

                  Eventhough it's fake, being body slam, drop kick, pile driven, and hit by chair has got to hurt.
                  To say it's fake really is a misnomer. They essentially do the same thing movie stuntmen do. They do stuff to their body in the ring that no normal person should do to their body. They try to do it in a way that minimizes damage but gives the appearance of being much worse. They get bumps and bruises in every match. Those where something goes bad well it can range from a sprain to never walking again or death and every other injury in between.
                  The roids are used to provide a bigger/badder than average look. Anyone that really works out or spends time in a gym knows that you just don't get that big or stay that big without roids. Also those guys are on the road a solid 4 days a week, and eat or train when they can. If you want to be close to that kind of condition without the help of roids you have to spend quite a bit of time in the gym and (this is more important) eat right and get the proper rest. Neither of which these guys can do most days of the week.

                  Vince is like anyother business man. If he comes across a resource that can make him money he will use it until it's used up, then toss it aside for the next big thing. Top it off with an industry filled with narcissists that crave attention and want to be on top no matter what the cost. He has the luxury of a naturally renewing resource. The guys who are big now are inspiring the next group, when the guys they are using now are used up the next group will be ready.
                  98 Firebird - gone from mod mode to keep it running and useable mode.
                  2000 V-Star Custom 1100
                  If all else fails use a bigger hammer!


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