Transformers=greatest Movie Ever - Message Board


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Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

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  • Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

    im not ruining it for anyone i just wanna let you all kno that it was the best $10 and 2 hours of my life ive ever spent doing anything ever.

    and id do it again

    p.s. id give my first born child for an 09 Camaro

  • #2
    Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

    ill be seeing it in the next few days. maybe 2 or 3 times because deep down im a big dork.

    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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    • #3
      Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

      p.s. id give my first born child for an 09 Camaro[/QUOTE]

      you could make more money just whoring the child out, then you can buy TWO o9 camaros!


      • #4
        Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

        oooo... well looks like i beat you to the post...hehe, but yeah.... i might go see it tonight.. again


        • #5
          Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

          Cool!!! I want to see it!

          1998 White Camaro 3800, A4, MagnaFlow Cat-Back, Zexel & 3.42's, Jet Chip Stage 2, Whisper Lid, and Ram Air.


          • #6
            Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

            Besides loving transformers growing up... I think it looks like a great movie. My girlfriend wants to see it!
            Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


            • #7
              Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

              lucky ***!!! the wife doesnt want to see it, she thinks it looks stupid.

              unfortunately for her, she's going and doesnt know it yet :D

              current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

              Follow me!
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              • #8
                Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                BEST MOVIE I'VE SEEN IN A WHILE! its was great...and lets just say you can definitely tell who put the most money into the procudtion of it hahaha. but besides that point...definitely go see it. worth the $7.25 i paid for it and i'll definitely be seeing it again!
                1994 Camaro 3.4 L V6 <br />2.5\" Flowmaster 80 Series American Thunder Exhaust<br />SLP Cold Air Intake<br />Sony Head Unit<br />Pioneer Midranges<br />2 10\" Sony XPlod 1100 W Subs<br />Power Acoustiks 980 W Amp<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                • #9
                  Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                  Awesome movie... I have already sort of seen it twice...

                  I saw it sun night, working at a movie theatre has its perks, that and we got lucky, we were playing with the locks on the prints, and accidently figurd the code out.(half the movie is locked up and you do not get the combination until Monday morning)

                  Watched first half, in a screening(we screen the movies to make sure they are good before the public sees them)

                  I ran projection tonight, and was watching clips of it all night from upstairs, then we threw on our digital print for an afterhours screening and I watched 3/4s of it again.

                  I love it, easily best movie of the year, I don't care what anyone says... **** the sequels, this movie makes them its *****.


                  • #10
                    Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                    agreed, i never got chills down my spine so many times during a movie before


                    • #11
                      Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                      Originally posted by vanbibber
                      lucky ***!!! the wife doesnt want to see it, she thinks it looks stupid.

                      unfortunately for her, she's going and doesnt know it yet :D
                      Does this smell like chloroform to you? :drags wife to trans am:


                      • #12
                        Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                        Let me summarize this thread:
                        Niko needs to get laid if $10 for 2 hours of fun does it for him
                        02camaro has obviously got his priorities straight if he's willing to give up a child for a car
                        Josh would appear to have the best girlfriend who actaully wants to see a car movie.
                        Das the spoiler with his movie connections can ruin a plot in 3 seconds flat if he's allowed.
                        Vanbibber will be the next contestant on Dr Phil dealing with his marital bliss while Hokie is in the background with the chloroform.

                        The summary above is the reason I love this forum. It's like a virtual insane asylum.
                        Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


                        • #13
                          Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                          My 14 y/o brother is coming this weekend to stay for the month of July and I was gonna take him and he told me hes going Wednesday. The kid never goes to the movies and of all the times hes going to see the only movie I really want to see. I hardly ever go to movies and instead just buy the DVD but for this I'm gonna go see and buy DVD. Looks like hes gonna watch it twice.

                          Edit: I'm at work and as soon as I posted this a co-op came in to my work area and said he got a sneak peek last night and it was the best movie ever. Just thought that was funny.
                          Last edited by crushedout; 07-03-2007, 08:39 AM.
                          Originally posted by kala
                          I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

                          TEAM BLACK!!!
                          parting her out


                          • #14
                            Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                            Today....Afterwork......It's On like Mega-tron!
                            1998 Red T-top V6 Camaro
                            - K&N Filter, Pacesetter Headders, MagnaFlow 2.5" Hi-Flo Cat, FlowMaster 80 Series, PowerDyne Supercharger@9Psi More 2 Come


                            • #15
                              Re: Transformers=greatest Movie Ever

                              I am going to try and watch this movie either tommorrow or on saturday and I get to watch it for free. I got free tickets for donating blood. I cant wait to see the 09 Camaro on the big screen. Oooh right. Later


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