Junk Yard Treasures? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Junk Yard Treasures?

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  • #31
    Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

    Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9
    See, I knew there were better parts out there! Been told otherwise as you can see by earlier posts!
    Better is subjective. If you're building a drag/straight-line car, then thicker(which means heavier) sway bars will hurt you, not help you. If you're just looking for stuff to throw on without regard to how it'll effect your car's performance just to brag to your buddies how modded your car is, go ahead and slap **** on there


    • #32
      Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

      Originally posted by Smoke Panther
      Better is subjective. If you're building a drag/straight-line car, then thicker(which means heavier) sway bars will hurt you, not help you. If you're just looking for stuff to throw on without regard to how it'll effect your car's performance just to brag to your buddies how modded your car is, go ahead and slap **** on there
      I dont remember ever saying drag car! This is a DD, and forgive me for wanting to put better parts on my car... Whats up with this BS about wanting to brag. If you think thats whats up or your just trying to 1up yourself, post elsewhere...
      98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


      • #33
        Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

        Hey nim, next time you going out to the J yard let me know. Not that i need anything..but ya know...


        • #34
          Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

          If you don't already have them, pick up a set of t-tops, the holders, weather stripping etc and do the conversion.

          You could also look for better shocks.

          Over the years, I've found a lot of great stuff at junk yards.



          • #35
            Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

            Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9
            I dont remember ever saying drag car! This is a DD, and forgive me for wanting to put better parts on my car...
            Again, better is subjective, especially in concerns to suspension components. All cars, DD or 1/4-racing/auto-x, will benefit from things like a better intake and exhaust. Not all cars will benefit from thicker sway bars. I'm sorry* that you've failed to mention what the goals for your car are before asking for technical advice

            *not really


            • #36
              Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

              I love Junk Yards. Last time my dad and I went, we came home with a complete B&M Ratchet shifter for our track car, upperdash for my bro's 87 Camaro, a Craftsman gas leaf blower (it was in a trunk, ROFL), and a new hood for his honda, all in amazing shape. Left with that in our hands and $60 missing from our pockets!
              ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
              A few things

              Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


              • #37
                Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                Originally posted by Smoke Panther
                Again, better is subjective, especially in concerns to suspension components. All cars, DD or 1/4-racing/auto-x, will benefit from things like a better intake and exhaust. Not all cars will benefit from thicker sway bars. I'm sorry* that you've failed to mention what the goals for your car are before asking for technical advice

                *not really
                WTF? I asked for factory parts... Do you really think I wanted a drag car... Dont you think I would have said that? Thats a pretty lame statement, wtf is wrong with you? I have taken your advice and thanked you for it, but yet you seem to end evrey post with some smartass comment???
                98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                • #38
                  Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                  Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird
                  If you don't already have them, pick up a set of t-tops, the holders, weather stripping etc and do the conversion.

                  You could also look for better shocks.

                  Over the years, I've found a lot of great stuff at junk yards.
                  Already got the T's but extra weather stripping is a damn good idea! Shocks - check (from 1LE Im guessing?)!

                  Off subject but recheck this LOL http://forum.camarov6.com/showthread...=71273&page=10
                  Last edited by nimrod.sixty9; 09-18-2007, 10:55 AM.
                  98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                  • #39
                    Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                    Originally posted by RadRacer
                    I love Junk Yards. Last time my dad and I went, we came home with a complete B&M Ratchet shifter for our track car, upperdash for my bro's 87 Camaro, a Craftsman gas leaf blower (it was in a trunk, ROFL), and a new hood for his honda, all in amazing shape. Left with that in our hands and $60 missing from our pockets!
                    LOL, my friend came out with some Air Jordans, and multiple air tools! They let him have the shoes and the tools he just threw in the tool bag so they had no clue! Got like 20 of those over priced interior lights. Many other things such as restoring the 3rd gen (then I hit a horse with it). Leaf blower, LMAO!

                    Team STANG Killer FTW!!! LMAO!

                    Originally posted by Frazzums
                    Hey nim, next time you going out to the J yard let me know. Not that i need anything..but ya know...
                    Cool! I could really use some help pulling a tranny! Lets have a meet at the JYard LOL! Not sure when Im going, it might be like a one day notice, so you got an email you regularly check so I can get ahold of you?
                    Last edited by nimrod.sixty9; 09-18-2007, 08:33 AM.
                    98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                    • #40
                      Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                      Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9
                      Already got the T's but extra weather stripping is a damn good idea! Shocks - check (from 1LE Im guessing?)!
                      Someone else will probably chime in the details, but if I remember correctly, the z28s and trans ams came in adjustable Koni's :tup:



                      • #41
                        Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                        Originally posted by nimrod.sixty9
                        WTF? I asked for factory parts... Do you really think I wanted a drag car... Dont you think I would have said that?
                        you didn't say you wanted a DD car either, so what's your point?


                        • #42
                          Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                          Originally posted by Smoke Panther
                          you didn't say you wanted a DD car either, so what's your point?
                          I simply want a bit more performance... As stated before. If I didnt state that I wanted somthing extreme, then that says nothing extreme. And I wouldnt have said, JYard, Cheap, factory, etc...

                          So its safe to assume (as pretty much said before), "I want interchangable parts from a JYard for some performance increase."

                          Again, thank you for your help. But it could have been done without all the nit picking at my posts and without a couple needless comments...
                          98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                          • #43
                            Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                            i agree with ya on that one smoke is just tryin to pick an E-gangster fight :spank:


                            • #44
                              Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                              Don't worry about smoke panther, I think he was beaten as a child...

                              Anyways, like others have said, a few things you could look for...

                              1LE swaybars (probably just the front if you have stock suspension still).
                              Aluminum driveshaft
                              Extra random bulbs you may need down the road
                              Someone mentioned the koni shocks? I was unaware of this but check it out.

                              Theres other things obviously, like if you have any broken interior pieces and stuff...

                              I usually hit up the junk yard every couple weeks over the summer just to take a look and see what they have. Most of the time I end up finding odds and ends for my parents/friends cars, but every once in a while I walk out with something I need.
                              2000 v6 a4 Camaro


                              • #45
                                Re: Junk Yard Treasures?

                                Originally posted by Renegade.1987
                                i agree with ya on that one smoke is just tryin to pick an E-gangster fight :spank:
                                so how does it feel to have half your posts be off-topic and a waste of bandwith?

                                Originally posted by lookout4theyeti
                                Don't worry about smoke panther, I think he was beaten as a child...
                                if that's my excuse, I'd shudder at what explains your behavior.

                                The OP's question has been thoroughly answered. It's been four days since I've posted in this thread. But, if yall want to keep this alive, then this thread shall live forever


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