who do you want for president - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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who do you want for president

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  • #31
    Re: who do you want for president

    Originally posted by sjw515
    stephen colbert ftw
    I second the motion!


    • #32
      Re: who do you want for president

      ron paul couldnt be any worse of a candidate. im honestly disgusted by how many people have jumped on his bandwagon. i am quite conservative (economically and with foreign policy) and socially progressive. the thing i dont like about ron paul is how idealistic all of his platforms are, and never taken into account with the power schematics of this world. everything would completely fall apart. Its a sad day when a 20 year old international relations major can point out multiple things that a presidential candidate says that would result in an unbelievably fu(ked up country.

      As of now, i am leaning towards rudy. represents the majority of my beliefs. unfortunately, im going to be out of the country all fall, so i'll have to fill out an absentee ballot. and, if i remember correctly, those votes are only counted in the case of a tie...
      2002 SOM Camaro- Sold
      2006 S60- Sold
      2000 Cherokee- The desert whip


      • #33
        Re: who do you want for president

        Im waiting for that one special post from one of the boards republican voters and im going to have diarrhea of the mouth.
        1995 Pontiac Firebird
        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


        • #34
          Re: who do you want for president

          Originally posted by stevethepirate
          ron paul couldnt be any worse of a candidate. im honestly disgusted by how many people have jumped on his bandwagon. i am quite conservative (economically and with foreign policy) and socially progressive. the thing i dont like about ron paul is how idealistic all of his platforms are, and never taken into account with the power schematics of this world. everything would completely fall apart. Its a sad day when a 20 year old international relations major can point out multiple things that a presidential candidate says that would result in an unbelievably fu(ked up country.

          As of now, i am leaning towards rudy. represents the majority of my beliefs. unfortunately, im going to be out of the country all fall, so i'll have to fill out an absentee ballot. and, if i remember correctly, those votes are only counted in the case of a tie...
          i lean more to the republican side(and by lean i mean stand sideways) and rudy is crazy. the only point he has is 911, and what advisor's tell him to say. I'm waiting to see who's going to be in the actual election B4 i invest in a bunker


          • #35
            Re: who do you want for president

            Billary sux.

            I will be voting for McCain.



            • #36
              Re: who do you want for president

              First off I see this getting locked at some time for someone flying off the handle but hopefully this will be somewhat of a mature conversation........

              I see myself as typically a republican but this year I'm pushing for Joe Biden, did anyone see him in the debates? http://www.joebiden.com/home I also kinda like Dennis Kucinich based on the sole reason he was the only Democrat to vote against the patriot act. But I think he's to un-likable to win.

              No matter who wins there will be just as many anti who-evers as there are anti bush's rght now.

              I know alot of people are against Hillary but for me I'm agaisnt Obama, on the debates he actually said, plain as day, that Human rights in other countries are more important that the safety of the U.S. I feel for other countries but I am a firm beleiver in taking care of home before helping out others.

              It'll be interesting how it all turns out
              Originally posted by kala
              I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

              TEAM BLACK!!!
              parting her out


              • #37
                Re: who do you want for president

                Originally posted by crushedout
                First off I see this getting locked at some time for someone flying off the handle but hopefully this will be somewhat of a mature conversation........
                So far, we seem to be playing nice-like.
                I'm voting for Bibs as a write in.

                Originally posted by crushedout
                I am a firm beleiver in taking care of home before helping out others.
                Amen to that, brother!

                Lounge Moderator


                • #38
                  Re: who do you want for president

                  Originally posted by Bonemaro
                  Yes, the Constitution... the most forgotten document in US history.
                  No - the Bills of Rights.
                  Robert - owner www.FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com

                  "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

                  1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/ M5xxxwww.FirebirdGT.com



                  • #39
                    Re: who do you want for president

                    i grew up in the bible belt so that has raised me to put god above all else. i know romney is a mormon but i dont care. we share the same morals so i'm voting for him.


                    • #40
                      Re: who do you want for president

                      Originally posted by tmon930
                      i grew up in the bible belt so that has raised me to put god above all else. i know romney is a mormon but i dont care. we share the same morals so i'm voting for him.
                      but dont you think that applies more for if youre electing a pastor or something??? not the president..

                      everyone is talking about putting national interests ahead of foreign ones. yes, that is a very valid point. the problem right now is that we ARE a hegemon in this world. its just how it goes. by reaping the benefits of being a superpower, we also have obligations. it is just how it goes. basic power schematics. someone who claims that we can simply disregard these international obligations is going to fubar the whole system (wow, dont think ive ever said "fubar" when discussing politics before, lol). Our reputation as a country is already on the verge of dropping to the level of saddam. go to any european country and advertise being american! for every 1 person that doesnt care, you will have 10 screaming **** at you.

                      yes, i agree that we need to get national interests figured out. healthcare, education, immigration, theyre all VERY important issues. none of it will matter if we keep having to send so many people over to fight.. if theres a draft, none of that will matter for me, i'll be over there. this issue needs to be RESOLVED. resolving it does not mean that we can simply say that we are withdrawing ourselves from any future international dealings.

                      All of the presidential candidates suck. hilary is a bloodsucking wh0re. i would die before voting for her.
                      definitely not the ideal group of candidates for this election, where we need someone to fix everything that bush "accomplished".
                      2002 SOM Camaro- Sold
                      2006 S60- Sold
                      2000 Cherokee- The desert whip


                      • #41
                        Re: who do you want for president

                        Originally posted by stevethepirate
                        everyone is talking about putting national interests ahead of foreign ones. yes, that is a very valid point. the problem right now is that we ARE a hegemon in this world. its just how it goes. by reaping the benefits of being a superpower, we also have obligations. it is just how it goes. basic power schematics. someone who claims that we can simply disregard these international obligations is going to fubar the whole system (wow, dont think ive ever said "fubar" when discussing politics before, lol). Our reputation as a country is already on the verge of dropping to the level of saddam. go to any european country and advertise being american! for every 1 person that doesnt care, you will have 10 screaming **** at you.
                        Are you speaking from experience because I have been overseas and have known many people who have been overseas and this is not true

                        Originally posted by stevethepirate

                        yes, i agree that we need to get national interests figured out. healthcare, education, immigration, theyre all VERY important issues. none of it will matter if we keep having to send so many people over to fight.. if theres a draft, none of that will matter for me, i'll be over there. this issue needs to be RESOLVED. resolving it does not mean that we can simply say that we are withdrawing ourselves from any future international dealings.
                        I'm not saying to not deal with anything overseas but we need to fix issues here before worrying about there issues. Won't happen so ultimately it doesn't matter what I think and thats just my opinion.
                        Originally posted by kala
                        I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

                        TEAM BLACK!!!
                        parting her out


                        • #42
                          Re: who do you want for president

                          Originally posted by crushedout
                          Are you speaking from experience because I have been overseas and have known many people who have been overseas and this is not true
                          im speaking from 13 years of experience ;)
                          2002 SOM Camaro- Sold
                          2006 S60- Sold
                          2000 Cherokee- The desert whip


                          • #43
                            Re: who do you want for president

                            Keep Bush in office! I wish we could. Now I am voting for McCain.


                            • #44
                              Re: who do you want for president

                              Ron paul.

                              Glad to see he is dominating the voting also on that pole.
                              Shawn<br />2002 Silver W68 Firebird


                              • #45
                                Re: who do you want for president

                                Originally posted by nightrider2
                                Now, I'm not for a particular candidate just yet, but I feel the democrats are going to ruin this country.
                                speaks the truth right here


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