So as I was pulling into my driveway this afternoon, the tires slipped on some ice and I went over the edge a bit. Past the edge of my driveway there is a long mild slope leading down quite a ways. Since my car was diagonally over the edge, I had no grip because the right rear tire was off the ground. :(
3 hours and my brother's arrival have gotten my car nowhere. We give up on trying to back it up, and decide to get it onto the slope by pushing forward. Well about 1 hour later and we get it onto the slope, I start driving diagonally uphill, and just as I get onto the driveway I hear a pop and a long hiss... :eek:
I got it down the driveway and stepped out to see how bad it was. My left rear tire got a small (less than a cm long) slice and air is leaking out. So I dug the spare out of my basement (good thing this happened at home :) ) and inflated it. 20 minutes later and the spare is on, and I will never use the stock jack on a gravel driveway again. :mad:
So tomorrow I get to see if the shop I got my tires from (less than a month ago) will give me a break. Ideally they will give me a new one, worst case I'll have to pay.
3 hours and my brother's arrival have gotten my car nowhere. We give up on trying to back it up, and decide to get it onto the slope by pushing forward. Well about 1 hour later and we get it onto the slope, I start driving diagonally uphill, and just as I get onto the driveway I hear a pop and a long hiss... :eek:
I got it down the driveway and stepped out to see how bad it was. My left rear tire got a small (less than a cm long) slice and air is leaking out. So I dug the spare out of my basement (good thing this happened at home :) ) and inflated it. 20 minutes later and the spare is on, and I will never use the stock jack on a gravel driveway again. :mad:
So tomorrow I get to see if the shop I got my tires from (less than a month ago) will give me a break. Ideally they will give me a new one, worst case I'll have to pay.