The way some people park - Message Board


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The way some people park

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  • #16
    Re: The way some people park

    Originally posted by Fireball27
    Don't you park in the handicapped spaces?
    That's what I was thinking
    1996 Chevrolet Camaro
    1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
    --Appearance Moderator--


    • #17
      Re: The way some people park

      he said the dumb*****/bastard was in a nonexistent spot


      • #18
        Re: The way some people park

        Originally posted by nightrider2
        he said the dumb*****/bastard was in a nonexistent spot
        right. probably the place left open for handicapped people to get in/out of their cars. It is usually painted with blue stripes across it.


        • #19
          Re: The way some people park

          ah. Didn't catch that.
          1996 Chevrolet Camaro
          1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
          --Appearance Moderator--


          • #20
            Re: The way some people park

            people @ my college cant park as well damn bastards

            '95 3.8L A4 PGM. & '95 LT1 M6 PGM. :burn:


            • #21
              Re: The way some people park

              Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird
              right. probably the place left open for handicapped people to get in/out of their cars. It is usually painted with blue stripes across it.
              i would have had it towed... but then again im kind of an *** like that...

              i came out of work (local swimming pool) one day to find a nice little VW beetle convertible parked directly behind my car, not even close to a spot or anything. it had been a rough day at work so of course i was pissed, walked into the managers office and grabbed the PA (very laid back establishment) and announced "will the owner of a yellow VW beetle kindly move their vehicle, there is a tow truck on the way", needless to say the beetle was out of my way in about a minute and a half, and the manager and guards got a kick out of it as well
              2000 Camaro 3800 A4


              • #22
                Re: The way some people park

                Thats why I park directly on the line :D

                If everyone parked directly on the line, then we would all have plenty of room to open our doors.
                Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


                • #23
                  Re: The way some people park

                  Solutions and problems to parking issues-

                  Solution - Park in the boon docks and deal with walking for a couple of min
                  Problem - There is always that a-hole who parks right next to you, even though its far away from the Walley-world, or the matter how far out you park, there will always be that one guy who's car gets lonely.

                  Solution - Take up 2 spaces, or 3 if you park parallel
                  Problem 1 - You get gripped out by the redneck who wanted 2 spaces more than you to park his '70 rust bucket truck
                  Problem 2 - Cop. Enough said
                  Problem 3 - The ever present shopping cart that somehow wonders into your car door, and a minivan leaving the scene very quickly

                  Solution - For those of us who work downtown, park at the level right below the top
                  Problem - You get back, and your either missing a wheel, or just a wheel is left

                  I ate a bowl of fail this morning.
                  Quarter Million Mile Club


                  • #24
                    Re: The way some people park

                    Originally posted by 3800SoloWing
                    Solutions and problems to parking issues-

                    Solution - Park in the boon docks and deal with walking for a couple of min
                    Problem - There is always that a-hole who parks right next to you, even though its far away from the Walley-world, or the matter how far out you park, there will always be that one guy who's car gets lonely.

                    Solution - Take up 2 spaces, or 3 if you park parallel
                    Problem 1 - You get gripped out by the redneck who wanted 2 spaces more than you to park his '70 rust bucket truck
                    Problem 2 - Cop. Enough said
                    Problem 3 - The ever present shopping cart that somehow wonders into your car door, and a minivan leaving the scene very quickly

                    Solution - For those of us who work downtown, park at the level right below the top
                    Problem - You get back, and your either missing a wheel, or just a wheel is left
                    Dude I use a wheelchair at school, so I dont know if you know this but i'll tell ya...........

                    Walking isn't an option for me at that far of a distnace


                    • #25
                      Re: The way some people park

                      I never have a problem with taking up two spots. Now I always do that in the back of the parking lot, as to not take up any front spots. I had a police officer at wal-mart ask why I was parked like that... I told him that when I first pulled up, the guy next to me was over too far.
                      Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


                      • #26
                        Re: The way some people park

                        Originally posted by Fireball27
                        Don't you park in the handicapped spaces?

                        Originally posted by nightrider2
                        he said the dumb*****/bastard was in a nonexistent spot
                        Yes he/she was in the space marked off so I couldnt put my chair in

                        Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird
                        right. probably the place left open for handicapped people to get in/out of their cars. It is usually painted with blue stripes across it.
                        Indeed it is, but these are white, and I have seen some Yellow ones


                        • #27
                          Re: The way some people park

                          Originally posted by IwannaCamarosoBad
                          Dude I use a wheelchair at school, so I dont know if you know this but i'll tell ya...........

                          Walking isn't an option for me at that far of a distnace
                          My solution/problem thing was meant for a comic relief, not to be takes serious...

                          I ate a bowl of fail this morning.
                          Quarter Million Mile Club


                          • #28
                            Re: The way some people park

                            I guess I really am an @sshole, (and there is no nice way to inquire...) but if your in a wheelchair..... why is a longer distance a problem?.... Call me rude but.... you don't have to walk.....
                            But I totally hear you on the problem with not having sufficient space around your car/truck.

                            To the original topic - I could spend my off time just going to yuppy infested places and just watch people park their over sized SUVs.


                            • #29
                              Re: The way some people park

                              Originally posted by 3800SoloWing
                              My solution/problem thing was meant for a comic relief, not to be takes serious...

                              I wasn't really being serious, well in a way I was but anyways it was funny, thats why I highlighted Walking I am a jovial guy lol.

                              Anyways, there is no boon docks there, School is in the front of the woods not the back lol


                              • #30
                                Re: The way some people park

                                Originally posted by IwannaCamarosoBad

                                Yes he/she was in the space marked off so I couldnt put my chair in

                                Indeed it is, but these are white, and I have seen some Yellow ones
                                Wow.. what a jackass. You should have let all teh air out of their tires.

                                Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                                i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                                R.I.P. '07 Pats
                                Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


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