The way some people park - Message Board


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The way some people park

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  • #31
    Re: The way some people park

    My misunderstanding. Sorry.

    But back to the business, I did this in high school when someone dinded my '95 Camaro (it was black). She left a nice red mark on my door, so I bought some baloney during lunch period and made a smilyface on her hood. Cruel, yes. Over the top, I dont think so. She put red on black, so I made her truck smile.:stp: The next day, that truck parked far far away from the school...and it rained. Server her right for messing up my Cam.

    I ate a bowl of fail this morning.
    Quarter Million Mile Club


    • #32
      Re: The way some people park

      ^^^ Genius


      • #33
        Re: The way some people park

        Originally posted by Meatyshells
        be like "who put all these donuts in my truck bed" that will get you some security

        Originally posted by LETZRIDE
        I've never touched a rear end before


        • #34
          Re: The way some people park

          Originally posted by Fireball27
          Wow.. what a jackass. You should have let all teh air out of their tires.
          no no no, you take out the valve stems, put the valve caps back on. so they come out an go "damn I need air" as soon as they take of the cap. :banana:


          • #35
            Re: The way some people park

            Actually thought about this at work today.
            I came up with "White Shoe Polish." Keep some with you and when it happens again "Mentally Handicapped":excited: goes on the windows of their car. It's harmless and it gets the point across. (If it's a little old lady that's 105 yrs. old U can just apologize/explain.) If the butt-head catches you... well it's not like they can beat up a guy in a wheelchair. (Keep pistol nearby in case they don't know that!)

            Option #2 : Get a Trunk Monkey, FTW

            IMHO, if they are able bodied and just lazy, they deserve whatever they get. BUT, the one time you drive over the car they will be in worse shape than you and had to beg a ride from someone else with no Handicap sticker.

            NO, no, no, you don't take the valve stems out of the tires. You put a BB in the cap and put it back on, the tires go flat and they probably don't notice the BB fall out when they try to air them back up. KARMA...
            Last edited by Blue02; 01-31-2008, 07:28 PM.
            2002 Navy Blue Metallic Blue Firebird A4
            Pure stock (Hey, just bought it 11/07)


            • #36
              Re: The way some people park

              dude, you should've given him a "parking too close" ticket like this one

              09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package



              • #37
                Re: The way some people park

                Originally posted by kala
                dude, you should've given him a "parking too close" ticket like this one


                :) LMAO. Printing out MANY now. :D

                dumbasses at my school , park way to ****ing close all the time.

                Slp Dual Cold Air Intake
                Racing Stripes
                Flowmaster Exhaust [2.5 Pipes, Flowmaster 80 Series Muffler]
                Camaro Fill Ins
                Black Outs


                • #38
                  Re: The way some people park

                  Originally posted by kala
                  dude, you should've given him a "parking too close" ticket like this one


                  Originally posted by sceneiskeen
                  :) LMAO. Printing out MANY now. :D

                  dumbasses at my school , park way to ****ing close all the time.

                  X2 here
                  Originally posted by kala
                  I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

                  TEAM BLACK!!!
                  parting her out


                  • #39
                    Re: The way some people park

                    Printed, and i keep a few in my car now.

                    I ate a bowl of fail this morning.
                    Quarter Million Mile Club


                    • #40
                      Re: The way some people park

                      I just smash my door repeatedly into thiers! My door is tough and needs paint anyway! Makes real good on that ugly little import!

                      When I get pissed I need revenge! So if I was in your situation I would have put fire in the tank... and watch it never happen again :stp:
                      98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


                      • #41
                        Re: The way some people park

                        Google "spring window punch"

                        I'm sure someone will find a creative use.

                        (if you use it in the corner of a window the glass stays together, and falls apart when the door is opened.)


                        • #42
                          Re: The way some people park

                          Originally posted by kala
                          dude, you should've given him a "parking too close" ticket like this one

                          I did something similar - a hand drawn middle finger. The guy saw me put it on his car and followed me up the road. He pulled up next to me and tried to force me to pull over by swerving close to hitting me (he was facing oncoming traffic). After several miles of this, he gave up. For some reason, he thought trying to swerve into my old POS car (this was years ago) would phase me.



                          • #43
                            Re: The way some people park

                            Originally posted by GinsuGuy585
                            Google "spring window punch"

                            I'm sure someone will find a creative use.

                            (if you use it in the corner of a window the glass stays together, and falls apart when the door is opened.)
                            I have seen this tool in action, its a nice little thing to have, and the whole corner thing, is genius

                            Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird
                            I did something similar - a hand drawn middle finger. The guy saw me put it on his car and followed me up the road. He pulled up next to me and tried to force me to pull over by swerving close to hitting me (he was facing oncoming traffic). After several miles of this, he gave up. For some reason, he thought trying to swerve into my old POS car (this was years ago) would phase me.
                            Ignorance is bliss man


                            • #44
                              Re: The way some people park

                              she moved right after i took this
                              Last edited by IwannaCamarosoBad; 02-25-2008, 10:14 PM.


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