A bday gift to myself...a painful one - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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A bday gift to myself...a painful one

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  • A bday gift to myself...a painful one

    Got my tongue pierced today, not ur average 14g one though,...i got it pierced at an 8g....ouch big ****in needle ...but it wasnt as bad as i thought :banana:
    <a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/a371/boyoi/firebird/?sc=1\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)

  • #2
    Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

    cool I bet now you can suck a mean **** ;)

    just fecking with you happy b-day, but seriously, i would always reccomend against it. My mom and wife work with speach therapy stuff... Common problem they come across is people who got their tongue pierced and they nicked the main nerve and the tongue is now paralyzed.


    • #3
      Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

      Originally posted by DAS BOOT View Post
      cool I bet now you can suck a mean **** ;)
      buhahhahahahahhahah QFT

      09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package



      • #4
        Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

        I had my tonge pierced about 6 years ago. Well may 5 years ago. The worst was trying to eat and such the first 3 weeks. After that there will be some morning when it will swell and sometime mine still does a bit when I eat spicy food, but I don't notice it. After the first month you'll be fine. Just keep a cup of ice with you all day and rinse your mouth out often with half water half mouthwash. I think about taking it out now that I'm almost done with school but I enjoy having it. Most people don't notice it and I have gotten so use to it I forget I have it. All the girls I've met in college, well 90% think its really hot! I always make sure someone sees it at a party and then they yell "is your tonge pierced??" After you tell them the story, there is always about 3 or 4 that are really interested ;)
        Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


        • #5
          Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

          i'm only 24 but all my friends who are my age, in the last year have been taken them out. guess i'm getting old :(


          • #6
            Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

            ohh, I figured you got a prostate exam, and the said 'Thank you sir, may I have another?" o_0
            1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
            2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

            former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
            94 comero 3.4


            • #7
              Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

              never understood dudes with tongue piercings. guess its the same as guys with long hair. do you have long hair?
              2002 SOM Camaro- Sold
              2006 S60- Sold
              2000 Cherokee- The desert whip


              • #8
                Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                u know what they say about guys with tounge rings....theyll probly suck ur ****

                87 Firebird RIP
                96 Camaro RS RIP
                94 Patriot Red 1LE Z28 - Sold
                02 WS6 TA - Sold


                • #9
                  Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                  well I don't suck **** and I've never met a gay guy with a tonge ring so go figure...

                  I don't have long hair either :D... I got it done because I never had gotten a tattoo or peircing and wanted to do something wild. So I decided this would be the best thing because nobody would know I had it if I wanted to hide it and when I decide to take it out, it will be as if I never had one!
                  Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


                  • #10
                    Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                    Originally posted by josh98bird View Post
                    well I don't suck ****
                    "bullsh*t... i bet you could suck a golf ball thru a garden hose"

                    lol.. just messin with ya..

                    though i dont understand why guys get tongue rings... even if it helps you get girls, the majority of the people who see it are gonna think theres something a bit strange about you, and i couldn't see that helping you if you were tryin to get a job.. to each there own i guess..
                    Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


                    • #11
                      Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                      Originally posted by camaroman1181 View Post
                      "bullsh*t... i bet you could suck a golf ball thru a garden hose"

                      lol.. just messin with ya..

                      though i dont understand why guys get tongue rings... even if it helps you get girls, the majority of the people who see it are gonna think theres something a bit strange about you, and i couldn't see that helping you if you were tryin to get a job.. to each there own i guess..
                      you are right that some people look at me differently because of it. But you know what.. about 90% of the people I know don't know I have it. One of my coworkers who I am next to everyday didn't notice it until this year and I've worked with him for over a year. I plan to take it out once I get done with college because sadly I will be viewed differently. I can't stand people who judge (I know I do it too) but some people judge others over the stupidest stuff... like a tonge ring. Well, I am one of the best workers at my job, I make good grades in college, I have a smoking hot gf of 4 years, I drive an 80 malibu, 98 firebird, and now ex cop car... I also have a motorcycle. I am a christian, but rarely get a chance to go to church since I work sunday mornings. I have no tattoos, I quit smoking, and I do no drugs. So if someone sees my tonge ring and thinks differently of me then thats cool. I'm not here in this life to impress anyone. I get along with so many people and have very very few enemies if any.

                      Its funny though... when someone finally finds out that I have one... they are surprised and say I didn't expect you to have one. But then they go on like its nothing. It does show that your right about people thinking I'm strange.
                      Welcome future UK stars... Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Kevin Galloway, Josh Harrellson


                      • #12
                        Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                        i just like peircings so i wanted another one.. so i got it done...i dont suck **** and no my hair is actually quite short, so yeah and job doesnt matter its hidden unless i show u 3 of myne are seen by everyone, and the lip i can take the ball off whenever i want so u really only see my 1/2 plugs which i have flesh colored ones i can wear to so yeah job isnt hard to get
                        <a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/a371/boyoi/firebird/?sc=1\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)


                        • #13
                          Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                          Man... my boss gives me **** for my side burns... if i had any sort of piercings he'd probably pull them out of my face "punisher" style.

                          Originally posted by SSMOWS6
                          i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
                          R.I.P. '07 Pats
                          Still... 18-1 > 1 and done


                          • #14
                            Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                            Originally posted by Fireball27 View Post
                            Man... my boss gives me **** for my side burns... if i had any sort of piercings he'd probably pull them out of my face "punisher" style.
                            da*n , who the F do U work for?

                            09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package



                            • #15
                              Re: A bday gift to myself...a painful one

                              Originally posted by kristen View Post
                              i'm only 24 but all my friends who are my age, in the last year have been taken them out. guess i'm getting old :(
                              It happens to the best of us...

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