Well, I just remembered that I have to turn in a project summary today. I haven't any idea what I want to do. It has to involve my programming in a PIC18 microchip, then using it to run whatever I feel like.
No more than 2 people per group (my buddy's been doing this for 5+ years, I think I'm set :))
Requires atleast 1 1/2hrs of project time each week
Must have a 15min demonstration/report at the end of the year
Must use PIC18 microchip(s)
Can use anything else (if not in the classroom, you must provide it)
So, any ideas? My partner was talking about taking the Wii Nunchuck and using it as a cursor or something, but IDK. Not something too complex, but it can't be easy like the stupid "Hello World" coding everyone learns :P
No more than 2 people per group (my buddy's been doing this for 5+ years, I think I'm set :))
Requires atleast 1 1/2hrs of project time each week
Must have a 15min demonstration/report at the end of the year
Must use PIC18 microchip(s)
Can use anything else (if not in the classroom, you must provide it)
So, any ideas? My partner was talking about taking the Wii Nunchuck and using it as a cursor or something, but IDK. Not something too complex, but it can't be easy like the stupid "Hello World" coding everyone learns :P