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  • Addictions

    As most of you don't know, i work a lot of night shifts at my job. As such i think i've managed to get addicted to caffeine... :( Too many doubleshots and pepsis in the middle of the night.. i don't think they even help me stay up anymore.. just prevent me from having headaches.

    Originally posted by SSMOWS6
    i mean, you can always fly wes out there and since he's a tool sometimes, fashion him into a plow for the maro
    R.I.P. '07 Pats
    Still... 18-1 > 1 and done

  • #2
    Re: Addictions

    I've been through that. Used to take "pain-aids" several times during the day to stay awake. Now I just go to bed at a decent time. But working on the car has prevented me from doing that this week since my gf is out of town and I have all this time for myself now.

    TEAM C6V6


    • #3
      Re: Addictions

      suks bro used to drink a lot of monster and now caffeine gives him headaches and makes him dizzy....i dont drink anytin wit caffeine but hope u can find a way to fix it, gonna b hard wit workin da night shift, good luck


      • #4
        Re: Addictions

        i used to be a energy drink/no doz pill junkie.

        i seriously felt like at any minute i might have a heart attack and die, but i loved it. got tired of crashing all the time, I actually litterally fell asleep standing up one day and say **** this

        current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

        Follow me!
        Or this


        • #5
          Re: Addictions

          I work sometimes Tues and Weds night... Hit me up on aim and maybe I can help you from not sleeping...

          09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package


          • #6
            Re: Addictions

            Originally posted by Fireball27 View Post
            As most of you don't know, i work a lot of night shifts at my job. As such i think i've managed to get addicted to caffeine... :( Too many doubleshots and pepsis in the middle of the night.. i don't think they even help me stay up anymore.. just prevent me from having headaches.
            If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat. I don't work nightshift, but > 4 hours without caffiene and I get a migrane.


            • #7
              Re: Addictions

              Caffeine is not a very bad addiction. I wake up every morning, turn on sportscenter, make coffee, wait for coffee, and then proceed to drink coffee and smoke a cigarette.

              Its kind of obvious but if you want the caffeine to have its stimulant effects again you either have to drink more or lay off it for a week or so, in hopes that your tolerance will go down.
              Black \'94 Trans Am A4- SLP CAI & Loudmouth<br />Red \'93 Firebird A4- Ram Air under the WS6 hood, !cat, exhaust.


              • #8
                Re: Addictions

                i work nights , they get boring without caffeine keeping me up so i feel you bro.


                • #9
                  Re: Addictions

                  i got away for my coffee every morning. i don't drink ne thing but water. so there is no caff. addiction for me

                  i was at a party over the weekend and i ended up drinking 2 pepsi's i was jumping off the walls, heart was pounding out of my chest, and couldn't sleep that whole night.

                  but i am addicted to CHAPSTICK


                  • #10
                    Re: Addictions

                    Sounds like we have our own little support group here.

                    Hi, I'm Jim and I drink coffee by the gallon.

                    Lounge Moderator


                    • #11
                      Re: Addictions

                      Originally posted by kala View Post
                      I work sometimes Tues and Weds night... Hit me up on aim and maybe I can help you from not sleeping...


                      What kind of site is this?
                      Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


                      • #12
                        Re: Addictions

                        im addicted to craigslist!

                        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


                        • #13
                          Re: Addictions

                          Originally posted by Bonemaro View Post
                          Sounds like we have our own little support group here.

                          Hi, I'm Jim and I drink coffee by the gallon.
                          LOL ...

                          well, if it makes you feel better, I DO NOT drink coffee. I do not even drink hot tea. i work atleast 2 nights a week, sometimes even more. Please note these are 12 hour nights. only thing I drink is the WAWA green tea (or any green tea), iced tea, Gatorade that's it!

                          I believe it's all in your mind. I haven't had a cup of coffee in 6 years+ and Hot tea atleast 3 years+ ... If I can do it, you can too

                          09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package



                          • #14
                            Re: Addictions

                            Originally posted by kala View Post
                            LOL ...

                            well, if it makes you feel better, I DO NOT drink coffee. I do not even drink hot tea. i work atleast 2 nights a week, sometimes even more. Please note these are 12 hour nights. only thing I drink is the WAWA green tea (or any green tea), iced tea, Gatorade that's it!

                            I believe it's all in your mind. I haven't had a cup of coffee in 6 years+ and Hot tea atleast 3 years+ ... If I can do it, you can too

                            Yeah, but you're addicted to boobies.

                            Actually, I usually drink Salada Chai green tea.

                            Lounge Moderator


                            • #15
                              Re: Addictions

                              Originally posted by Bonemaro View Post
                              Sounds like we have our own little support group here.

                              Hi, I'm Jim and I drink coffee by the gallon.
                              Hi Jim! Welcome to the group!

                              My name is Jason. I drink 3 cups a day. If you dare talk to me before cup #1 in the AM, there is a good chance you'll walk away bloody.



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