Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

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  • #46
    Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

    Originally posted by FirebirdPhil View Post
    So I could say if you lock your doors it's BECAUSE you're afraid.
    Funny thing is...I don't lock my doors. But just as Youngsc said, you don't know MS-13 very well. Gangs like this are not afraid of universal fears as death, they really don't care. They don't live by a pack mentality, shooting the biggest one isnt going to stop them. Very similar to a cancer, can't just remove part of it and think the rest is going to go away.
    Last edited by Mogobs30th; 03-31-2008, 05:31 AM.
    1995 Pontiac Firebird
    2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


    • #47
      Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
      Funny thing is...I don't lock my doors. But just as Youngsc said, you don't know MS-13 very well. Gangs like this are not afraid of universal fears as death, they really don't care. They don't live by a pack mentality, shooting the biggest one isnt going to stop them. Very similar to a cancer, can't just remove part of it and think the rest is going to go away.
      Actually, I know all about them. As I said, gang members are just weak individuals in large numbers. When you come home one day and have been robbed you'll be scared to leave a door unlocked again. If you don't develop that "fear" then it's just a lack of intellegence, especially living in Chicago. It's going to be like when a kid touches a stove- if he doesn't learn his lesson then Junior is going to be riding a short bus.

      Edit: You even leave your car unlocked?
      Last edited by FirebirdPhil; 03-31-2008, 08:03 AM.


      • #48
        Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

        Originally posted by FirebirdPhil View Post
        Actually, I know all about them. As I said, gang members are just weak individuals in large numbers. When you come home one day and have been robbed you'll be scared to leave a door unlocked again. If you don't develop that "fear" then it's just a lack of intellegence, especially living in Chicago. It's going to be like when a kid touches a stove- if he doesn't learn his lesson then Junior is going to be riding a short bus.

        Edit: You even leave your car unlocked?
        Yes, I leave my car unlocked. Anyone with any skill is going to steal the car itself or steal something from it in less than a minute anyway, why lock it so I can fix the window as well? My car has been broken into twice, both times my car wasn't the only one, BUT both times I never had to replace a window. As for my apartment, or house, I have lived on a quiet street for the last 7 years, minus the year in Chicago. No one knows the street, and if you were going to rob it, you'd have to stake it out. The apartment has a keyed entry to the foyer. I do lock that door most of the time, because I have a roomate and out of respect I lock it, but if it were my own, I probably wouldn't lock the door.

        After you get over the fact that a lock is nothing more than a piece of metal a cobalt drill bit can eat thru, then you realize that it doesnt matter if you lock it or not.
        Last edited by Mogobs30th; 03-31-2008, 04:47 PM.
        1995 Pontiac Firebird
        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


        • #49
          Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
          Yes, I leave my car unlocked. Anyone with any skill is going to steal the car itself or steal something from it in less than a minute anyway, why lock it so I can fix the window as well? My car has been broken into twice, both times my car wasn't the only one, BUT both times I never had to replace a window. As for my apartment, or house, I have lived on a quiet street for the last 7 years, minus the year in Chicago. No one knows the street, and if you were going to rob it, you'd have to stake it out. The apartment has a keyed entry to the foyer. I do lock that door most of the time, because I have a roomate and out of respect I lock it, but if it were my own, I probably wouldn't lock the door.

          After you get over the fact that a lock is nothing more than a piece of metal a cobalt drill bit can eat thru, then you realize that it doesnt matter if you lock it or not.
          Ah, but you forget, criminals are lazy. That "piece of metal" is going to stop most criminals unless it is the very rare case where someone has been planning for a long time.


          • #50
            Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

            Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
            After you get over the fact that a lock is nothing more than a piece of metal a cobalt drill bit can eat thru, then you realize that it doesnt matter if you lock it or not.
            but what robbers are going to take the time and effort to go buy a drill bit, maybe a drill, and then go steal stuff? most will just walk away if something is locked. you best believe i lock my car. it's not fear. it's loss prevention.


            • #51
              Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

              Originally posted by tmon930 View Post
              but what robbers are going to take the time and effort to go buy a drill bit, maybe a drill, and then go steal stuff? most will just walk away if something is locked. you best believe i lock my car. it's not fear. it's loss prevention.
              x2 not locking your car is just stupid... anybody could just open it up, take whatever (including the car) and drive off... theres no skill needed, a teenage kid could do it... and its not like somebody will go get a drill anyway... you can stop acting tough over the internet, everybody has fear....


              • #52
                Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                locking your door both car and house is to do one thing...deter punks, and your non professionals...anyone that has skills will steal your **** regardless...but then again people who have skills and are professional have no desire for our cars or homes (for the most part), they go after big ticket places/items...

                That being said I do lock my doors, and I do have an impact alarm on my car which is 2way...so when it goes off, I will kick the **** out of someone (or attempt to anyways)

                2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                • #53
                  Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                  Originally posted by t-topV6 View Post
                  x2 not locking your car is just stupid... anybody could just open it up, take whatever (including the car) and drive off... theres no skill needed, a teenage kid could do it... and its not like somebody will go get a drill anyway... you can stop acting tough over the internet, everybody has fear....
                  So they're NOT going to go thru the effort of drilling out a lock, but WILL go thru the effort to figure out which diode its going to take to start the car? BTW, I don't need a damn drill to get in the car, a brick, crowbar, baseball bat, or a large wrench will work just fine. Hell, I can probably wrap my hand in a shirt and punch thru the side glass, Ive seen it done before. And even lazy criminals usually have something to open a car with, like forementioned. You don't need a drill at all, I just make examples. All it takes is someone with half a brain to grab something heavy, bust out the window, take the stereo, and run. And it can all be done before you get to your car.

                  And BTW, who is keeping valuables in the car? Another reason why I don't need to lock the doors, I don't have a $500 stereo headunit to steal, I don't keep ANY valuables in my car. Ever. The most valuable thing in there is probably worth $14, and is easily replaceable. I keep NOTHING in my car that has any value at all. And if you do keep something valuable in your car, and someone finds out, you think some lock is going to stop them from taking it??? ROFLMFAO. You naive little child.
                  1995 Pontiac Firebird
                  2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                  • #54
                    Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                    Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
                    So they're NOT going to go thru the effort of drilling out a lock, but WILL go thru the effort to figure out which diode its going to take to start the car? BTW, I don't need a damn drill to get in the car, a brick, crowbar, baseball bat, or a large wrench will work just fine. Hell, I can probably wrap my hand in a shirt and punch thru the side glass, Ive seen it done before. And even lazy criminals usually have something to open a car with, like forementioned. You don't need a drill at all, I just make examples. All it takes is someone with half a brain to grab something heavy, bust out the window, take the stereo, and run. And it can all be done before you get to your car.

                    And BTW, who is keeping valuables in the car? Another reason why I don't need to lock the doors, I don't have a $500 stereo headunit to steal, I don't keep ANY valuables in my car. Ever. The most valuable thing in there is probably worth $14, and is easily replaceable. I keep NOTHING in my car that has any value at all. And if you do keep something valuable in your car, and someone finds out, you think some lock is going to stop them from taking it??? ROFLMFAO. You naive little child.

                    depends where your car is...if its a mall lot, then you wont make it there in time...with my alarm, if Im in my house, coffee shop, some parts of school, work, etc...I will get there before you get my **** and run...and I will hunt you down if that means going to jail for vehlicular manslaughter cause I just ran your ***** *** over...I dont keep alot of valuables in my car, and the ones I do I hide...

                    2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                    1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                    Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                    • #55
                      Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                      Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
                      depends where your car is...if its a mall lot, then you wont make it there in time...with my alarm, if Im in my house, coffee shop, some parts of school, work, etc...I will get there before you get my **** and run...and I will hunt you down if that means going to jail for vehlicular manslaughter cause I just ran your ***** *** over...I dont keep alot of valuables in my car, and the ones I do I hide...
                      If your car is in a driveway of your house, likeliness is low that its going to get broken into. A parking lot of any kind, easy. Only takes 15-20 seconds for an amateur to take a radio, less for someone who's done it awhile.
                      1995 Pontiac Firebird
                      2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                      • #56
                        Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                        depends man...I got some shady people around my area...its a good area dont get me wrong, I live in the suburbs and there is low crime where I am specifically...but we have had break ins to a few vehicles around here...most recent was my neigbour across the street...

                        2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
                        1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

                        Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


                        • #57
                          Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
                          So they're NOT going to go thru the effort of drilling out a lock, but WILL go thru the effort to figure out which diode its going to take to start the car? BTW, I don't need a damn drill to get in the car, a brick, crowbar, baseball bat, or a large wrench will work just fine. Hell, I can probably wrap my hand in a shirt and punch thru the side glass, Ive seen it done before. And even lazy criminals usually have something to open a car with, like forementioned. You don't need a drill at all, I just make examples. All it takes is someone with half a brain to grab something heavy, bust out the window, take the stereo, and run. And it can all be done before you get to your car.

                          And BTW, who is keeping valuables in the car? Another reason why I don't need to lock the doors, I don't have a $500 stereo headunit to steal, I don't keep ANY valuables in my car. Ever. The most valuable thing in there is probably worth $14, and is easily replaceable. I keep NOTHING in my car that has any value at all. And if you do keep something valuable in your car, and someone finds out, you think some lock is going to stop them from taking it??? ROFLMFAO. You naive little child.
                          you realize people will jack little things like a crappy bike... it just depends where you live...and its a good idea not to have anything valuable in your car...but i bet you don't lock your house doors either do you? i bet not.. and thats just stupid too... cause not matter how tough you think you are, even in your sheltered home... bad things can happen


                          • #58
                            Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                            see.... gangs fight not just because of turfs.... its also bout race....whos better, whos bad-a$$... unlike US good people here in the forum there is one particular thing that keeps our bonds together.... Our F-Bodies..... if we could just find that simple thing that they have in common in society then there would be no need of these gangs or whatsoever... but this being said... its like asking for the cure for cancer...

                            Horsepower is how fast you hit the Minivan... Torque is how far you take the Minivan with you... :wavey:

                            Originally posted by Firehawk N Wv
                            Mine were rusted also and the I had to cut my nuts off .


                            • #59
                              Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                              this is still going? wtf?
                              Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


                              • #60
                                Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                                Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
                                Hell, I can probably wrap my hand in a shirt and punch thru the side glass, Ive seen it done before.
                                Sorry I have to call this one out. 2 fast 2 furious I think is where you saw that from. :D
                                Let's flip a coin. Heads I get tail, Tails I get head.


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