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Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

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  • #61
    Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

    Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
    All it takes is someone with half a brain to grab something heavy, bust out the window, take the stereo, and run. And it can all be done before you get to your car.

    And BTW, who is keeping valuables in the car? Another reason why I don't need to lock the doors, I don't have a $500 stereo headunit to steal, I don't keep ANY valuables in my car.

    true story, I traded a 500 headunit for part of a concrete cinder block and a bandana. I didn't know I traded but when cops knocking on my door at about 4am I found out about the trade.

    I have a plastic black and decker shed in my back yard with a master lock on it. I am well aware that the only thing the lock does is keep an honest person honest. I'm not a big guy by any means and I feel very confident I could rip door off its hinges if I so desired. Thieves suck, guess thats my 2 cents
    Originally posted by kala
    I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

    parting her out


    • #62
      Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
      So they're NOT going to go thru the effort of drilling out a lock, but WILL go thru the effort to figure out which diode its going to take to start the car?
      It's not hard to figure out how to start a car, take 10 minutes on youtube and you'll learn it also. My point is that the lock will steer most criminals away because if they break the lock via making noise it draws attention to themself, and the more likely they are to get caught. If criminals didn't care about getting caught they'd have honest jobs.

      BTW, I don't need a damn drill to get in the car, a brick, crowbar, baseball bat, or a large wrench will work just fine. Hell, I can probably wrap my hand in a shirt and punch thru the side glass, Ive seen it done before.
      Again, the sound of breaking glass is going to draw attention and/or set of an alarm and sound scares criminals, thats why I have my alarm set up to play not only a car alarm but also a police siren after 5 seconds. Guy breaks my winow and hears a police siren at the same time, odds are he's hauling ***. I'd rather file the papers with GEICO for a new winow than deal with reporting a stolen car.

      And even lazy criminals usually have something to open a car with, like forementioned. You don't need a drill at all, I just make examples. All it takes is someone with half a brain to grab something heavy, bust out the window, take the stereo, and run. And it can all be done before you get to your car.
      It would be the criminal with half a brain who does pick up the heavy object to throw through the window. Again, noise = nervous criminal. Nervous criminal = distractions. And what do you never want to do when doing something risky? Get distracted!

      And BTW, who is keeping valuables in the car? Another reason why I don't need to lock the doors, I don't have a $500 stereo headunit to steal, I don't keep ANY valuables in my car. Ever. The most valuable thing in there is probably worth $14, and is easily replaceable. I keep NOTHING in my car that has any value at all. And if you do keep something valuable in your car, and someone finds out, you think some lock is going to stop them from taking it??? ROFLMFAO. You naive little child.
      Do you not know the price of scrap metal these days? A guy steals a car, scraps the metal and sells some of the other stuff (cd player, speakers, t-tops, etc.) and walks away with a heavy wallet and is looking for anotehr easy victim. The most valuable thing in your car- is actually your car. Why leave the door unlocked and make it easy? No, no one alarm is going to stop 100% of criminals, but why make it easy for them like you do? You've bent over for them. And I highly doubt that all the people on here who agree that NOT locking the doors are the naive ones, rather you need to look in a mirror and step into the real world.
      Last edited by FirebirdPhil; 04-01-2008, 09:51 AM.


      • #63
        Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

        Originally posted by FirebirdPhil View Post
        It's not hard to figure out how to start a car, take 10 minutes on youtube and you'll learn it also. My point is that the lock will steer most criminals away because if they break the lock via making noise it draws attention to themself, and the more likely they are to get caught. If criminals didn't care about getting caught they'd have honest jobs.

        Again, the sound of breaking glass is going to draw attention and/or set of an alarm and sound scares criminals, thats why I have my alarm set up to play not only a car alarm but also a police siren after 5 seconds. Guy breaks my winow and hears a police siren at the same time, odds are he's hauling ***. I'd rather file the papers with GEICO for a new winow than deal with reporting a stolen car.

        It would be the criminal with half a brain who does pick up the heavy object to throw through the window. Again, noise = nervous criminal. Nervous criminal = distractions. And what do you never want to do when doing something risky? Get distracted!

        Do you not know the price of scrap metal these days? A guy steals a car, scraps the metal and sells some of the other stuff (cd player, speakers, t-tops, etc.) and walks away with a heavy wallet and is looking for anotehr easy victim. The most valuable thing in your car- is actually your car. Why leave the door unlocked and make it easy? No, no one alarm is going to stop 100% of criminals, but why make it easy for them like you do? You've bent over for them. And I highly doubt that all the people on here who agree that NOT locking the doors are the naive ones, rather you need to look in a mirror and step into the real world.
        Are you dumb or something? SCRAP A CAR??? How do you scrap a car without the title or some other proof of ownership? I can see a chop shop, and I have seen them, and they work because its a group of people taking bits an pieces of the car, but scrapping a car for metal is nuts. Not even here in Chicago have I heard of that, probably because no scrapper is going to take a chance receiving stolen property. Not to mention, if ANYONE is going to go thru that effort of stealing the car, scrapping it out, and selling off the accessories, they were too determined to let a simple door lock stand in their way. If any criminal had a thought in their mind of taking your car, and contemplated scrapping and selling accessories, then they were going to get the car anyway, locked door or not.

        Then you babble on about noise? You think NOISE is a deterrent? We live in a world where people are getting shot on the street on clear days, you think someone determined enough is going to worry about the sound of breaking glass? I will give you credit, you would have to be a fool to steal a car parked in a driveway, but most auto thefts occur in public places, like parking lots and gas stations, places where your car is not easily accessible once you walk away from it.

        BTW, when did people start paying attention to car alarms. Unless its your alarm, no one pays attention to it. I can't remember the last time someone took time out of their day to see why a car alarm was going off, its as though everyone just mutes them out now.
        1995 Pontiac Firebird
        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


        • #64
          Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
          Are you dumb or something? SCRAP A CAR??? How do you scrap a car without the title or some other proof of ownership? I can see a chop shop, and I have seen them, and they work because its a group of people taking bits an pieces of the car, but scrapping a car for metal is nuts. Not even here in Chicago have I heard of that, probably because no scrapper is going to take a chance receiving stolen property. Not to mention, if ANYONE is going to go thru that effort of stealing the car, scrapping it out, and selling off the accessories, they were too determined to let a simple door lock stand in their way. If any criminal had a thought in their mind of taking your car, and contemplated scrapping and selling accessories, then they were going to get the car anyway, locked door or not.
          Oh name calling, aren't we mature? Lol my cousin never got a title from when he bought his Nissan pick up, sold it for scrap this past December. Selling the metal without the title is easy if you know the right (wrong) people. You don't get out much do you?

          Then you babble on about noise? You think NOISE is a deterrent? We live in a world where people are getting shot on the street on clear days, you think someone determined enough is going to worry about the sound of breaking glass? I will give you credit, you would have to be a fool to steal a car parked in a driveway, but most auto thefts occur in public places, like parking lots and gas stations, places where your car is not easily accessible once you walk away from it.

          BTW, when did people start paying attention to car alarms. Unless its your alarm, no one pays attention to it. I can't remember the last time someone took time out of their day to see why a car alarm was going off, its as though everyone just mutes them out now.
          Yes, it is. A very close friend of mine worked in the county jail as a detention deputy and he was in charge of the cell with a guy who had broken into over 20 cars and actually stolen and scraped 7 of them. Of those 20+ cars, the guy said not one had an alarm, and had he actually stolen the ones that he tried that had alarms he would've been credited with almost 50, but the noise from the alarms scared him off. Now thats a criminal with the cajones to regularly break into cars, even he was scared off by alarms and noises, so imagine just some thug walking by, sees a cd player or gps in a car and wants to make a quick 100 at a pawn shop, I guarantee that turd is running away.

          You live in Chicago, a large cirty, means lots of cars, means lots of over-sensative alarms, so I can see people not paying much attention to alarms there, but mine with the police siren is an attention getter aroudn here.


          • #65
            Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

            alarms definitely scare/deter criminals.


            • #66
              Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

              Originally posted by tmon930 View Post
              alarms definitely scare/deter criminals.
              If only KITT's Technology is for real...

              Horsepower is how fast you hit the Minivan... Torque is how far you take the Minivan with you... :wavey:

              Originally posted by Firehawk N Wv
              Mine were rusted also and the I had to cut my nuts off .


              • #67
                Re: Fl members PLz read.. GAng related!!

                somebody... just shoot this thread now... how is it still going?


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