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crazy gas

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  • #31
    Re: crazy gas

    That sucks, this exact same thing was on last nights new ppl are getting a little extreme


    • #32
      Re: crazy gas

      Tank of gas: -$67.25
      Amount of gas used to get back home: -$7.50
      Security Camera: -$40 on eBay
      Being able to record anyone who would attempt this on my car: Priceless
      Using said footage to beat down the theives with a sack of door knobs: AWESOME! jk


      • #33
        Re: crazy gas

        Yeah, empty tank and damage. Talk about salt in the wound. Pitiful.

        Lounge Moderator


        • #34
          Re: crazy gas

          Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
          thats retarded...why not make a living out of that then?...should break into peoples houses and say you hurt yourself....
          Just goes to show how our judicial system bends over for the stupid people of this country. Like do we really need to put "Do not attempt" on a commercial where a guy is jumping over a bunch of cars or something else thats pure folly?


          • #35
            Re: crazy gas

            Originally posted by FirebirdPhil View Post
            Just goes to show how our judicial system bends over for the stupid people of this country. Like do we really need to put "Do not attempt" on a commercial where a guy is jumping over a bunch of cars or something else thats pure folly?
            i need those or else id do it


            • #36
              Re: crazy gas

              Originally posted by josh98bird View Post
              Tell her to put a locking gas cover or a razor blade on the gas door. Somebody kept syphoning the gas out of my brother's truck so we put a razor taped inside the gas door... the next morning there was blood on the side of the truck and on the ground.

              Thats awesome!!!

              Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
              I doubt they can sue you for that...If I was a judge I would be like...why were you on his property and going into his gas tank in the first place? Dont go in there and you wont get hurt.

              I remember a few years ago a guy fell through a ladys roof he was going to rob around Christmas time and sued her and won money for hospital bills and pain and suffering. Ever sense that lady won the lawsuit for spilling her own hot coffe on herself the law has taken a turn for the worse
              Originally posted by kala
              I'll have buttsecks with Richard Simmons!

              TEAM BLACK!!!
              parting her out


              • #37
                Re: crazy gas

                I invested in a locking gas cap when gas prices hit 3.80. Gas prices suck, but I still don't see why 15 bucks extra per tank is causing such a huge hype in stealing gas.
                1996 Chevrolet Camaro
                1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
                --Appearance Moderator--


                • #38
                  Re: crazy gas

                  she tryed to file a clam but it was 300 some odd bucks to fix the car and 500 for the deductable so she just sucked up the cost.


                  • #39
                    Re: crazy gas

                    fuk this is what were coming to, shame


                    • #40
                      Re: crazy gas

                      Originally posted by TheGr8Schlotzky View Post
                      I invested in a locking gas cap when gas prices hit 3.80. Gas prices suck, but I still don't see why 15 bucks extra per tank is causing such a huge hype in stealing gas.
                      I lived in New York City for many years before moving to Miami. I have always installed locking gas caps on all of my cars. It really is amazing what people will steal.


                      • #41
                        Re: crazy gas

                        Originally posted by nascar24jd View Post
                        It really is amazing what people will steal.
                        A friend lived in downtown Boston. One morning, we go out to his POS truck (Nissan pickup), to find out someone smashed the window and stole the steering column. The glovebox was on the sidewalk next to truck; otherwise, everything was in tact. I suspect they were looking for airbags, but the truck was too old for them.



                        • #42
                          Re: crazy gas

                          Originally posted by v6man View Post
                          good luck in the state of florida gettin away with that now with the castle doc and the stand your ground law..if you catch them that is

                          was readin that the other day interesting stuff

                          True but you have to prove that your life was being threatened.

                          Which is easy if you have a gun, and the other guy was dead :)

                          BUT, not to long ago, a junkyard was getting robbed alot so one of the employees set up a boobie trap on some nice rims with some airbags.

                          Thief broke in went to steal the wheels, airbag goes off and shoots the rim at the guy ****s him up beyond belief. Guy who set trap went to jail and might have gotten sued (doubtful though didn't look like the brightest crayon in the box from Bithlo)


                          • #43
                            Re: crazy gas

                            I can't wait for 4 bucks a gallon!:naughty: Iam getting a Kawasaki!:drool:


                            • #44
                              Re: crazy gas

                              Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird View Post
                              A friend lived in downtown Boston. One morning, we go out to his POS truck (Nissan pickup), to find out someone smashed the window and stole the steering column. The glovebox was on the sidewalk next to truck; otherwise, everything was in tact. I suspect they were looking for airbags, but the truck was too old for them.



                              • #45
                                Re: crazy gas

                                Some people are retarded My dad knew a guy whose all four tires that were stolen but the funny part is the guy who stole the tires put plies of magazines to hold the car up so when the police showed up they just went to the address on the magazines and caught him lol


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