There’s one born again every minute. - Message Board


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There’s one born again every minute.

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  • #16
    Re: There’s one born again every minute.

    Wow is pretty much all I can say.
    Black \'94 Trans Am A4- SLP CAI & Loudmouth<br />Red \'93 Firebird A4- Ram Air under the WS6 hood, !cat, exhaust.


    • #17
      Re: There’s one born again every minute.

      Originally posted by Bonemaro View Post
      I would think the rapture coming and being left behind would be enough to convince me. Do I really need emails from my friends saying, "I told you so"?
      Just send an e-mail that says "Oh SNAP! P0wned!"


      • #18
        Re: There’s one born again every minute.

        Originally posted by Bonemaro View Post
        I would think the rapture coming and being left behind would be enough to convince me. Do I really need emails from my friends saying, "I told you so"?
        haha, true, but i know, thats not what i would do... i would try and give them a place to start, in order to become saved and know Christ. I've know people that are confused about that, and i would want my friends and family up there with me. I also might say that I will always love them, things of that nature.
        Originally posted by SpeedingFirebird View Post
        Just send an e-mail that says "Oh SNAP! P0wned!"
        hahaha, that would make a sweet title...

        all joking aside i don't think i would ever sign up to this site... or anything like it, that requires you to send deep personal information and data, passwords, and things like that to them. definetly not a 40 year old shelve stocker... but it might be cool have your personal email account do something like that, automatically send messages


        • #19
          Re: There’s one born again every minute.

          oh wait... ill just write a will and some letters just in case :):tup:... much easier


          • #20
            Re: There’s one born again every minute.

            i can see how this site would have some merit to people who would have sensitive info to pass on, but the emotional part is what gets me...and yea, being a Christian myself, i wouldnt sign up for this...if i would wanna leave word for my loved ones outside of a Will, id rather it be somekind of voice service, where i could record a "message" for them, so they could hear my voice saying i loved them and encouraging them, rather than reading an email...using this to send a last love note would be like breaking up with someone in a text message...i'd rather leave my voice if given the opportunity


            • #21
              Re: There’s one born again every minute.

              lol $40 to subscribe.... the dude running the site will be set if enough people decide that this is legit...
              disclaimer: \"warning.. this post may contain somewhat of a funny comment if read properly... take my comment out of context at your own discretion...\"


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