(excuse me my bad board).
but its getting me frustrated.
i bought a new msd optispark distributor and timing cover and water pump gasket to install. got everything out but the stock opti...i have to remove the crankshaft pulley but CANT. i removed the 3 bolts but he center main bolt on pulley wont come out i tried a pulley puller...and no one has the rt crows foot y puller. they dont match with the thread to narrow and the tools too thick. what tool do i use?
but its getting me frustrated.
i bought a new msd optispark distributor and timing cover and water pump gasket to install. got everything out but the stock opti...i have to remove the crankshaft pulley but CANT. i removed the 3 bolts but he center main bolt on pulley wont come out i tried a pulley puller...and no one has the rt crows foot y puller. they dont match with the thread to narrow and the tools too thick. what tool do i use?