you guys might think this is stupid and won't work but i got out of a speeding ticket and i flew past the cop haha i took an index card with notes and questiones to ask the officer who pulled me over he was like uhhh the whole time couldn't give a straight answer on over half so i got out of my ticket i hope this helps someone here...
Loud/Exotic Equipment
Your Driving Ability At The Time
How Do I Start To Fight This Ticket?
Preparing Your Defense: Gathering Your Data
Sample Questions and Motions and Objections
Motions To Research
Objections To Research
Other Forms Of Evidence
Preparing Your Defense
Who's Who In The Court Room
So you got a traffic ticket! Well, you can join the elite group of more than 34 million people who receive a ticket each year from a police officer. With the vast variety of law enforcement officials who can give out these papers of doom, it is understandable that you to could get caught up in a simple oversight or mistake. But the question you probably want to ask now is what could you have done to prevent this from happening in the first place and what can you do now to get out of this mess! Understand that this book is intended to help you to avoid a ticket to begin with and assist you in "beating the rap" as they say. Studies have shown that most traffic infractions are successfully prosecuted but what they don’t tell you is that as many as 95% of all citations are not even contested in court and that when they are contested by people just like you and me, most are dismissed. In those cases that are not dismissed, the court often takes consideration of your driving record, i.e. this being your first ticket or the offense being trivial in nature to begin with. In some cases the court plea bargains to reduce the fine or make you pay a fine but not make the ticket part of your permanent record. This keeps your insurance company from finding out about the ticket and raising your rates. Some states may have different terminology or the procedures may vary slightly but most states have now reduced the majority of moving violations to civil infractions carrying fines starting from $50.00 and some states still consider some violations as criminal and the fines may vary from state to state. The fine itself may seem small compared to the overwhelming perception of the burden of going to court and facing the officer, the prosecutor and the judge, but the original fine is not the only money that will come out of your pocket. The time and effort you spend to defend this ticket may save you higher insurance premiums down the road. Many states already have programs built in just for this, where as you can attend a drivers improvement school to prevent the ticket or points from showing up on your record. The fines paid to the states, counties, or municipalities are for the violation itself should you pay them or be found guilty in court. The increase in your insurance premiums is only a response by private industry and not part of any fine by the government. This may not make you feel any better, but should give you more of a reason to pursue the issue through the courts. Many people are mistaken that if they go to court and are not successful, that they will be fined some exorbitant amount of money for the attempt. This is not true and most states have no court costs above the original traffic ticket itself. We also need to remember that just by contesting a citation, it does not assure you of winning your case. You need to be prepared for court. We will cover that matter later in Chapter 4.The main thing to remember is that the moment you choose to fight or contest this ticket the successful outcome is greatly increased by your being prepared and following a few simple rules.Many ideas in this book are past proven methods to prevent a ticket from happening, but as we all know technology has jumped light years ahead in the area of speed detection and you need to stay paced with the latest equipment to assist you from getting a ticket. In the chapters to follow we will take you from prevention to prosecution and include the latest technology available on both sides of the issue for you and the officer. This book will assist you in how to prepare for court should prevention not be successful, what to say, what not to say and how not to become someone who has contributed to the millions of dollars paid to each state in traffic fines. This book is not legal advice but simply tactics and information to help prevent you from being stopped and issued a ticket, and court strategies should you receive a ticket. A police officer frequently states " just doing my job". Now lets do ours.
Loud/Exotic Equipment
Your Driving Ability At The Time
How Do I Start To Fight This Ticket?
Preparing Your Defense: Gathering Your Data
Sample Questions and Motions and Objections
Motions To Research
Objections To Research
Other Forms Of Evidence
Preparing Your Defense
Who's Who In The Court Room
So you got a traffic ticket! Well, you can join the elite group of more than 34 million people who receive a ticket each year from a police officer. With the vast variety of law enforcement officials who can give out these papers of doom, it is understandable that you to could get caught up in a simple oversight or mistake. But the question you probably want to ask now is what could you have done to prevent this from happening in the first place and what can you do now to get out of this mess! Understand that this book is intended to help you to avoid a ticket to begin with and assist you in "beating the rap" as they say. Studies have shown that most traffic infractions are successfully prosecuted but what they don’t tell you is that as many as 95% of all citations are not even contested in court and that when they are contested by people just like you and me, most are dismissed. In those cases that are not dismissed, the court often takes consideration of your driving record, i.e. this being your first ticket or the offense being trivial in nature to begin with. In some cases the court plea bargains to reduce the fine or make you pay a fine but not make the ticket part of your permanent record. This keeps your insurance company from finding out about the ticket and raising your rates. Some states may have different terminology or the procedures may vary slightly but most states have now reduced the majority of moving violations to civil infractions carrying fines starting from $50.00 and some states still consider some violations as criminal and the fines may vary from state to state. The fine itself may seem small compared to the overwhelming perception of the burden of going to court and facing the officer, the prosecutor and the judge, but the original fine is not the only money that will come out of your pocket. The time and effort you spend to defend this ticket may save you higher insurance premiums down the road. Many states already have programs built in just for this, where as you can attend a drivers improvement school to prevent the ticket or points from showing up on your record. The fines paid to the states, counties, or municipalities are for the violation itself should you pay them or be found guilty in court. The increase in your insurance premiums is only a response by private industry and not part of any fine by the government. This may not make you feel any better, but should give you more of a reason to pursue the issue through the courts. Many people are mistaken that if they go to court and are not successful, that they will be fined some exorbitant amount of money for the attempt. This is not true and most states have no court costs above the original traffic ticket itself. We also need to remember that just by contesting a citation, it does not assure you of winning your case. You need to be prepared for court. We will cover that matter later in Chapter 4.The main thing to remember is that the moment you choose to fight or contest this ticket the successful outcome is greatly increased by your being prepared and following a few simple rules.Many ideas in this book are past proven methods to prevent a ticket from happening, but as we all know technology has jumped light years ahead in the area of speed detection and you need to stay paced with the latest equipment to assist you from getting a ticket. In the chapters to follow we will take you from prevention to prosecution and include the latest technology available on both sides of the issue for you and the officer. This book will assist you in how to prepare for court should prevention not be successful, what to say, what not to say and how not to become someone who has contributed to the millions of dollars paid to each state in traffic fines. This book is not legal advice but simply tactics and information to help prevent you from being stopped and issued a ticket, and court strategies should you receive a ticket. A police officer frequently states " just doing my job". Now lets do ours.