So my renewal date is coming around, and I was toying around on the BMV site with a few possibilities.
These are the ones that were available that I liked so far.
3800 II
Other than that, they're taken or somehow can't fit.
kwick6 works but.. I don't like all the K's in it for some reason.
ROFL AT U is apparently available but LOL AT U is "inappropriate"
I'm shot for now, everything I come up with is taken. Any ideas or opinions on the 3 that work?
These are the ones that were available that I liked so far.
3800 II
Other than that, they're taken or somehow can't fit.
kwick6 works but.. I don't like all the K's in it for some reason.
ROFL AT U is apparently available but LOL AT U is "inappropriate"
I'm shot for now, everything I come up with is taken. Any ideas or opinions on the 3 that work?