summarised in the first paragraph is all you need to know, mass media is full of BS!! come on, when are we gonna learn? member the whole out break of shark attacks? people thought that sharks suddenly got angry and didnt like people, there wasnt any more shark attacks than before, the media got bored and wanted to use scare tactics to keep the masses in fear. if you live where i live, you know not to go out past the sand bar, sharks are there, and they eat!
any imputs?
summarised in the first paragraph is all you need to know, mass media is full of BS!! come on, when are we gonna learn? member the whole out break of shark attacks? people thought that sharks suddenly got angry and didnt like people, there wasnt any more shark attacks than before, the media got bored and wanted to use scare tactics to keep the masses in fear. if you live where i live, you know not to go out past the sand bar, sharks are there, and they eat!
any imputs?