Just like the title says. I don't know if it has been a post before, but if it was, it's dead. Just curious, no one has to answer somthing they don't want to tell but...
What do you do?
How long?
Any college?
Annual salary?
Long-term goals?
Well, since I started it, I will start.
I am a 24 year old E-5 army ranger on a repeated tour in Iraq at the moment. But I am stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA. I am from Oregon.
5 years in the Army, 2 as a RANGER.
Working on associates degree.
45,000K/year ATM...
Married, been with wife for 7 years, married for 3 of those years. I have one 3 year old boy, love him to death, and I also have a child in the oven. HE/SHE should be born around the time I come home on R&R Leave (mid tour leave in December) Very excited about that.
My long term goal is to go green-to-gold in the army, and become an officer. I can only have true respect for officers at the moment that were prior enlisted because usually officers that came strait out of college are pricks. Prior enlisted officers seem to be a lot cooler. So that is what I wish to become. I plan on going into the real estate business eventually, after my wife earns a masters degree in law. Right now it's only my income, so as soon as she starts to work we will buy our first house. I only have 15 more years until I can retire from the Army, so after that, I will have a whole other career ahead of me. But in between the years, there will be much more going on, just now that is all I wanted to write. Peace.
What do you do?
How long?
Any college?
Annual salary?
Long-term goals?
Well, since I started it, I will start.
I am a 24 year old E-5 army ranger on a repeated tour in Iraq at the moment. But I am stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA. I am from Oregon.
5 years in the Army, 2 as a RANGER.
Working on associates degree.
45,000K/year ATM...
Married, been with wife for 7 years, married for 3 of those years. I have one 3 year old boy, love him to death, and I also have a child in the oven. HE/SHE should be born around the time I come home on R&R Leave (mid tour leave in December) Very excited about that.
My long term goal is to go green-to-gold in the army, and become an officer. I can only have true respect for officers at the moment that were prior enlisted because usually officers that came strait out of college are pricks. Prior enlisted officers seem to be a lot cooler. So that is what I wish to become. I plan on going into the real estate business eventually, after my wife earns a masters degree in law. Right now it's only my income, so as soon as she starts to work we will buy our first house. I only have 15 more years until I can retire from the Army, so after that, I will have a whole other career ahead of me. But in between the years, there will be much more going on, just now that is all I wanted to write. Peace.