All this RAIN we had in the Northeast has gotten me a lil down because I can't drive my SS. Flame me but I love my Black 2002 35th Anniversary LS1 SS...:excited:
Anyways, I visited Home Depot and took advantage of a "Buy Now Pay 1 Year Later" deal I received in the mail. I bought a Husky Air Compressor.
Funny thing is I had to disassemble the compressor from the box and stuff it in my black V6 with the rear seat down because it would not fit at all to begin with. Then I threw away the packaging foam, took the box and flattened it for cardboard so I can rest on it on my next spark plug change. It came with extra tools too numerous to mention but surely worth the purchase. I felt renewed again! Here it is all nice & shiny. :D
Anyways, I visited Home Depot and took advantage of a "Buy Now Pay 1 Year Later" deal I received in the mail. I bought a Husky Air Compressor.
Funny thing is I had to disassemble the compressor from the box and stuff it in my black V6 with the rear seat down because it would not fit at all to begin with. Then I threw away the packaging foam, took the box and flattened it for cardboard so I can rest on it on my next spark plug change. It came with extra tools too numerous to mention but surely worth the purchase. I felt renewed again! Here it is all nice & shiny. :D
