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Funny story...

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  • Funny story...

    I was at my buddies house yesterday helping him pull his motor apart (he lives with his g/f at her mom's house)
    Well we were outside, and his girlfriend came outside to tell us a story about her sister. Apparantly she met this guy on the internet, chatted it up for quite a while, exchanged pictures and whatnot.. You know, the weird EMO angles..

    Her sister is emo, she had a kid with some guy Ive never met, nor seen a few years ago.
    So things are supposedly going well between her and 'rocco' (from NY) and she talks to him on the phone and whatnot.

    He decides to come out to IL, to visit. With the understanding that he wasnt able to stay at their house because her mom wouldnt allow it. Well, apparantly he knows some other EMO guys from the interwebz, probably from WoW, or Magic crap that those weirdo's play online.

    So, he hops on a train, takes the 17 something hr ride to IL where his guy friend picks him up.

    He gives this guy a ride out to cornfield hell, (my hometown) to meet her in person. His friend drops him off, along with his luggage and leaves.
    First off, he packed so much luggage, im pretty sure he was MOVING to IL. Im talking a HUUUGE duffle bag, on wheels, that was stuffed full of everything.

    Well, let's just say he's FUGGIN WEIRD, doesnt look anything like he did in the pictures , wore sunglasses over his glasses, that were wayyyy to big, and had lenses on the side with sunglasses built into the sides, he wore those plain black shoes like waiter's wear, he was wearing a magic gathering? shirt... and black dress pants. He was probably 5'2", 275lbs and has a crazy obnoxious laugh.

    Well, he decided himself to stay at her house, even though he wasnt supposed to, and she was kind of weirded out.. but didnt say anything and let him stay. The next morning (yesterday) they went to Chicago for a baseball game, apparently he was trying to hold hands with her, and being flirty and kissy,and he asked her 'out'.

    Well she wasnt feeling it at all. So after the game, they drove back to her house, and she went inside to put the kid away... and he was unloading stuff from his friends car to come back inside. She went back outside, we were all standing there and she walks up to him, and tells him it would be best if he would leave, and that he needed to find another place to stay because he couldnt be at her house anymore.

    I was choking back laughter as his voice crackled as he responded dumb-foundedly, and he did the walk of shame back to the car, explaining to his friend why he had to leave.

    Now she wont answer his calls and he was scheduled to stay in IL for like, a week...

    I kind of feel bad for the douche, but at the same time, I don't what-soever. He obviously disquised himself on the net to be something that he's not... so what did he expect, really.

    Cliff Notes
    Girls Meets guy on internet

    They talk awhile

    They decide to meet (NY to IL)

    He wasnt guy in pictures or something

    She is weirded out

    he isnt, and asks her out

    she tells him he has to leave

    everyone but him laughed

    Old people shouldnt use the internet.

  • #2
    Re: Funny story...

    Sounds like a loser either way

    I hate EMO, wish they'd hurry up and kill themselves... No offence to sis :D
    98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


    • #3
      Re: Funny story...

      Her sis isnt nearly as bad as this dude was... and if she'd ditch the weird emo clothing and ****ty make-up, she'd be SMOKING hot.

      Old people shouldnt use the internet.


      • #4
        Re: Funny story...

        Originally posted by StrtRacer98 View Post
        Her sis isnt nearly as bad as this dude was... and if she'd ditch the weird emo clothing and ****ty make-up, she'd be SMOKING hot.
        Seems how lots of em are. (i can't figure out how to word that properly..)

        On another note...


        • #5
          Re: Funny story...

          ^ Epic!

          Deff true. Most girls would look good. And the guys would still look retarded. Ive seen some of the hottest girls with the goofiest looking guys. WTF happened there?
          98 Camaro 3.8 M5 Y87 | 99 Camaro LS1 Z28 T56


          • #6
            Re: Funny story...

            hahahahah that picture is hilarious!
            btw strtracer98, that Obama acronym.....priceless :tup:
            2001 Chevrolet Camaro 3.8 V6

            |JET Chip|Flowmaster American Thunder|K&N Intake|BMR STB|Spohn Rear Sway Bar|



            • #7
              Re: Funny story...

              i think the emo look is kinda hott imo. EDIT-on attractive girls.

              but im weird like that. and those that have seen me, im not in any way emo.
              Team NoVa

              2000 Firebird- Intake, Pacesetters, !cat, full 2.5 to flowcrapster, 1.9 rockers, LS6 springs and Intense modded retainers, WS6 speedlines, T/A bumpers and hatch, 5 spd swapped, SOON TO BE nitrous'd and cammed.


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