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admins and moderators ONLY

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  • admins and moderators ONLY

    i respect what you do and what you have made out of this site , i LOVE it really, but there are a few things i would like to whine about for a minute that anger me

    1 childish, rude, unacceptable, annoying relplys to any posts with negative feedback, and pointless bashing creating un-needed conflict

    2 nosey (sp?) people worried about what evey one else is doing and saying and posting

    3 ... well thats it i guess

    i am really sick and tired of people starting trouble for no apparent reason. i have NEVER been rude, caustic, or negative to any one for any reason here out of the blue, for the heck of it. i admit i am not perfect and have retaliated on a few occasions to others comments, but come on, is the trolling and childish displays of "im cool cause i can talk smack on the net" necessary?

    we are all (or most of us) adults here , and should act that way. humor and jovial prodding aside. this will most likley not accomplish much but i wanted to get it off my chest because i am tired of signing on and reading negativity from silly teenagers and childish adults, in the form of replys to anyones post. i dont hold a grudge for long but, damn this is getting out of hand, if someone doesnt like what i, or anyone else has to say, how about they dont reply or post nonsense inhsults??? perhaps i am ot the model of maturity but i think that being in the navy and growing up fast seeing several continents, wars and doing seroius work has made me a bit more aged then my actual age group in general, and respectful most days. i think some people here need to grow up a lot and look at what the motivation behind their words and actions really is!?

    thanks for reading this long winded whinning
    Very Respectfully (v/r) AE3 john rocco, usn, camaro owner, father, husband, and fellow f-body enthusiast

    [ August 29, 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: john rocco ]
    92 25th rally sport garage baby, 97 30th rally sport, 01 camaro garage baby. obsessive compulsive camaro fan. id rather push a camaro then drive a rice burner.

  • #2
    case in point

    "how about they dont reply or post nonsense inhsults??? perhaps i am ot the model of maturity"
    and i dont claim to be

    quote: from Tyler's post
    Originally posted by j_downey50:
    drunk? high? sleepposting? retarded?

    i'm leaning towards retarded..

    JUST thinking about this thread is making me retarded as well

    [ August 29, 2004, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: john rocco ]
    92 25th rally sport garage baby, 97 30th rally sport, 01 camaro garage baby. obsessive compulsive camaro fan. id rather push a camaro then drive a rice burner.


    • #3
      Just like to mention that j_downey50 was not the only person confused by that senseless post of yours. Please your posts were someone can read them don't hide your point in the midst of meaningless babble or what can be considered by most here as drunken babble.

      Don't act so high and mighty mr. usn, camaro owner, father, husband, and fellow f-body enthusiast. There was good reason for the comments.
      00\' firebird v6 5spd<br />201rwhp ---- 230 rwtq<br />\"Everyday I grow stronger...and further from you.\"<br />WARNING: Do not take any of my comments seriously unless they are technical in nature and then only at your own risk


      • #4
        you got negative feedback cause the post was worthless. just admit it, you were probably bored and wanted something to do. thats fine. just delete that stuff later. come on man. your a person i like but it was just worthless
        2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


        • #5
          reodai, i am not attempting to act high and mighty. but i didnt notice..when DID you become a moderator????
          blldogg yes it was mostly worthless, other then to appear mildly amusing, and there was an actual question in the post. there i admited it

          case in point!!!!! is this Sh^T honestly necessary????? WTF????!!!!!!!

          Here to Stay
          Member # 1373

          posted 29 August, 2004 03:56 PM
          you're a tool.


          [ August 29, 2004, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: john rocco ]
          92 25th rally sport garage baby, 97 30th rally sport, 01 camaro garage baby. obsessive compulsive camaro fan. id rather push a camaro then drive a rice burner.


          • #6
            Originally posted by john rocco:
            i respect what you do
            Well, I don't respect what you do here. You've been a member for no more than two months and I've banned you twice, you've started numerous flame wars, longtime regular members bash you in just about every thread you start, I receive complaints about you via AIM and e-mail, then you have the nerve to come here and WHINE (you used the word yourself) to us that everyone is picking on you?!? Ever heard of the term "bringing it upon yourself"?

            Originally posted by john rocco:
            i would like to whine
            I would like you to shut up.

            Originally posted by john rocco:
            1 childish, rude, unacceptable, annoying relplys to any posts with negative feedback, and pointless bashing creating un-needed conflict
            You get rude replies because you often post mindless drivel. Take a hard look at some of your posts.

            Originally posted by john rocco:
            i am really sick and tired of people starting trouble for no apparent reason. i have NEVER been rude, caustic, or negative to any one for any reason here out of the blue, for the heck of it.
            I disagree with that statement, as do many of our longtime veterans.

            Originally posted by john rocco:
            damn this is getting out of hand, if someone doesnt like what i, or anyone else has to say, how about they dont reply or post nonsense inhsults???
            Post intelligently and you will receive intelligent replies. Why are you the only person with this problem?


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