Truekoa’s Automatic to Manual Window Conversion
1. Interior door panel, door bezel, control pad with switch removal.
1A. Removing the interior parts of the door
• I took the control pad off first, take a flat head screwdriver and pry it loose, disconnect the cables and take the control pad off.
• Then I took off the door bezel, there’s one screw in the middle, and one on the bottom right side of the bezel. Removal is a little tricky, I took the lock switch off by gently pulling on it towards the outside and once it cleared the metal hook pull it straight out. You’ll want to rotate the door bezel, from its current position, counter-clockwise so that it points upwards and it’ll easily clear the door handle through the opening.
• Next is the interior door panel itself. There are 3 long bolts, 2 in the cubby hole next to the arm rest, and one on the bottom side of where you would hold on to the door to close it. Once the bolts are out, push the door panel up and pull out to remove it.
