How come when everyone goes to race they do all this preparing. Lowering tire pressure, weight reduction. What's the point? I like to know what my car can do in normal driving conditions. And then this other idea of a planned race...huh? What's the point. If the both of you want to race, just find an empty road and race the friggin car. You win...great, you lose...oh well...better luck next time. This idea of racing is meant to be fun.
Just felt like saying this since I'm reading countless threads of people saying "can I beat this" or "this guy wants to race me," or the classic "I could have done better if I lowered my tire pressure" C'mon guys, we aren't running hot rod muslce cars to be worrying about the tire pressure.
Just felt like saying this since I'm reading countless threads of people saying "can I beat this" or "this guy wants to race me," or the classic "I could have done better if I lowered my tire pressure" C'mon guys, we aren't running hot rod muslce cars to be worrying about the tire pressure.