Well, in search of 11's I upped the shot to 125. Until this day I have NEVER had a successful pass on anything over 100, I always blew up.
Well, I redrilled and tapped the TB for better nozzle placement along with many other things.
1 I was very nervous about blowing up
2 I was very nervous about typical spinning
So, 1/2 tank of gas of 100 octane cam 2
Race weight w/ driver 3160
Front tire psi was 46
Rear tire psi was 16
Had a VERY good day of burn outs
Because of above referenced #1 and #2 I became a wuss. I launched N/A, went for a bit, then hit the nitrous. Ifound myself wussing out and NOT spraying off the line like I normally do.
Last time out I saw 1.5 60's spinning because I was launching on a 100 shot
60......1.706 <---WUSS!!!!!! but perfect traction
1/4.....12.168 <--- new best [img]smile.gif[/img]
mph.....108.83 <--- kinda weak for a 125 shot
60......1.655 <---WUSS!!!!!! but perfect traction
I dunno what happened on the last run, I have to see how much nitrous is left in the bottles. Between the 2nd and 3rd round I accidentally left the bottle warmers on, killed the batteries ans cranked bottle psi to 1600 psi + I sat tyhere once the car was jump started and had to purge away and waste LOTS of nitrous to get the psi down to 1200.
Now.... you may say.... James.... STILL no 11's???
My response. NOPE :(
But, I wussed out on EVERY launch because of fearing the above #1 and #2
I think, as long as those 60's get back into the 1.5's, my 11's are there.
I had a great day.
Dead hooked in all 3 runs <--- WOW!
Went new bests 2 out of 3 runs
Didn't blow up on a 125 shot <--- WOW!!
Drove home in one piece
Drove pathogen's car down the track once
All in all, it was a good day
I had a consistent 12.1 car.
Whooped up on MANY v8 people that day.
Shocked many other V8 people.
I think anyone else on this site would kill to say, yup, a bad day at the track is a 12.1 day [img]smile.gif[/img]
Last time out on that previous 12.1 day I went 12.1, 12.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.3
I'll be back at the track sooner or later going for 11's.
I just really wanted to do it while sooo many members of this site were in attendance, oh well
Well, I redrilled and tapped the TB for better nozzle placement along with many other things.
1 I was very nervous about blowing up
2 I was very nervous about typical spinning
So, 1/2 tank of gas of 100 octane cam 2
Race weight w/ driver 3160
Front tire psi was 46
Rear tire psi was 16
Had a VERY good day of burn outs
Because of above referenced #1 and #2 I became a wuss. I launched N/A, went for a bit, then hit the nitrous. Ifound myself wussing out and NOT spraying off the line like I normally do.
Last time out I saw 1.5 60's spinning because I was launching on a 100 shot
60......1.706 <---WUSS!!!!!! but perfect traction
1/4.....12.168 <--- new best [img]smile.gif[/img]
mph.....108.83 <--- kinda weak for a 125 shot
60......1.655 <---WUSS!!!!!! but perfect traction
I dunno what happened on the last run, I have to see how much nitrous is left in the bottles. Between the 2nd and 3rd round I accidentally left the bottle warmers on, killed the batteries ans cranked bottle psi to 1600 psi + I sat tyhere once the car was jump started and had to purge away and waste LOTS of nitrous to get the psi down to 1200.
Now.... you may say.... James.... STILL no 11's???
My response. NOPE :(
But, I wussed out on EVERY launch because of fearing the above #1 and #2
I think, as long as those 60's get back into the 1.5's, my 11's are there.
I had a great day.
Dead hooked in all 3 runs <--- WOW!
Went new bests 2 out of 3 runs
Didn't blow up on a 125 shot <--- WOW!!
Drove home in one piece
Drove pathogen's car down the track once
All in all, it was a good day
I had a consistent 12.1 car.
Whooped up on MANY v8 people that day.
Shocked many other V8 people.
I think anyone else on this site would kill to say, yup, a bad day at the track is a 12.1 day [img]smile.gif[/img]
Last time out on that previous 12.1 day I went 12.1, 12.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.3
I'll be back at the track sooner or later going for 11's.
I just really wanted to do it while sooo many members of this site were in attendance, oh well