Ok, so I was hangin out with some friends tonight and we were eating at Sonic. It's off a main road and we saw around 3 street races while we were eating outside which got me in the mood. So as I was pulling out, I saw a riced Probe go by and I looked over at my friend and I said "I'm gonna go race this Probe"
So I catch up to him and I roll up beside him doing about 60. I look over at him and laugh a bit to try to provoke him, sure enough he drops a gear and I hear the weed-eater wind up. He got a pretty hefty head start, but by around 75-80 I started pulling away so I got out of the throttle.
We met again at a red light and this dude rolled up beside me and starts laughing his head off. At this point im thinking ohhh **** its turbod and he was just playin with me back there. But then the light turned green and I had 3 lenghts on him by the time I hit 50 so...
The End.
So I catch up to him and I roll up beside him doing about 60. I look over at him and laugh a bit to try to provoke him, sure enough he drops a gear and I hear the weed-eater wind up. He got a pretty hefty head start, but by around 75-80 I started pulling away so I got out of the throttle.
We met again at a red light and this dude rolled up beside me and starts laughing his head off. At this point im thinking ohhh **** its turbod and he was just playin with me back there. But then the light turned green and I had 3 lenghts on him by the time I hit 50 so...
The End.