Broke down & took some pics of the bird tonight. [img]graemlins/fluffy.gif[/img]
Got engine bay, interior, exterior & the different wheels.
******Warning- Some of the engine bay pics may not be be suitable for mod novice********
please view at your own risk.
pics to come soon, will post link when ready.
p.s. will have a few of the boat too. will put post in appearance also for the 3rd Gen impaired [img]tongue.gif[/img]
[ January 14, 2002: Message edited by: 2.8 slow to go ]</p>
Got engine bay, interior, exterior & the different wheels.
******Warning- Some of the engine bay pics may not be be suitable for mod novice********
please view at your own risk.
pics to come soon, will post link when ready.
p.s. will have a few of the boat too. will put post in appearance also for the 3rd Gen impaired [img]tongue.gif[/img]
[ January 14, 2002: Message edited by: 2.8 slow to go ]</p>