Yesterday on the way home with my cousin in the car, I stopped at a red light, held down the brake and floored the accelator, just as the light turned green, I launched off the line, when I did so, I heard a loud pop and something hit under the floor of the car very hard. Now, when I take off (like a civilized human being) something hits under the floor of the car, I believe it is the tranny moving from the torgue, so I jacked up the car, to check the tranny mount and crossmember, both seem to be solid with no visible damage anywhere under the car.
Also, there is no visible proof that the motor mounts are damaged any way. I lifted the hood, with the car running and manually pulled the accelerator, the engine did not pull up off the chassis at all.
I noticed that the car has to be in movement in order for this to happen, If I rev up the motor or if I do a brake stand, nothing unusual will happen. Its only when I take off.
Any ideas? :: Cry ::
Also, there is no visible proof that the motor mounts are damaged any way. I lifted the hood, with the car running and manually pulled the accelerator, the engine did not pull up off the chassis at all.
I noticed that the car has to be in movement in order for this to happen, If I rev up the motor or if I do a brake stand, nothing unusual will happen. Its only when I take off.
Any ideas? :: Cry ::