Behind fuse box there is a bunch of wires in connectors plugged in that run from there to the circuit box.
I have a female connector with a orange wire and two white wires just hanging, I NEED to know were that goes in the box, I tried one spot and it blew the instrument lighting. If one of you guys could go out and look to see what slot it goes in that would be great.
[ March 14, 2003: Message edited by: 86camarodriver ]</p>
I have a female connector with a orange wire and two white wires just hanging, I NEED to know were that goes in the box, I tried one spot and it blew the instrument lighting. If one of you guys could go out and look to see what slot it goes in that would be great.
[ March 14, 2003: Message edited by: 86camarodriver ]</p>