VIN Identifier
Starting with the 1st letter/number on your VIN, count 8 characters to the right. You will find one of the following letters:
V6 VIN Identifier
V = 3.6L LLT Engine (2010)
D = 3.6L LLT Engine (2011)
3 = 3.6L LFX Engine (2012+)
V8 VIN Identifier
W = 6.2L LS3
J = 6.2L L99
P = 6.2L LSA
To decode your full VIN and and RPO codes you can visit GM sites here - plug your VIN in and they will provide you with every option that came with the car: GM VIN Decoder
Starting with the 1st letter/number on your VIN, count 8 characters to the right. You will find one of the following letters:
V6 VIN Identifier
V = 3.6L LLT Engine (2010)
D = 3.6L LLT Engine (2011)
3 = 3.6L LFX Engine (2012+)
V8 VIN Identifier
W = 6.2L LS3
J = 6.2L L99
P = 6.2L LSA
To decode your full VIN and and RPO codes you can visit GM sites here - plug your VIN in and they will provide you with every option that came with the car: GM VIN Decoder