Re: Blew the motor
I lied earlier (accidently) I realized when I pulled the other head off just now that the exhaust valve that smashed this time IS infact one of the NEW valves...this opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
see, we reamed the guides's possible either A) there wasn't enough clearance (even though I am almost 100% sure we were within spec, or B) its possible we didnt ream 100% straight, because from my reading...the guides never are 100% straight in the head...
what we should of done is pulled the guide, and measured everything out 100% then did it...but we were in a hurry...and I am gunna guess this is what caused failure. Otherwise, how is it that only one head would heat up and not the other...and only 1 cylinder on the damn head out of 3?
I lied earlier (accidently) I realized when I pulled the other head off just now that the exhaust valve that smashed this time IS infact one of the NEW valves...this opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
see, we reamed the guides's possible either A) there wasn't enough clearance (even though I am almost 100% sure we were within spec, or B) its possible we didnt ream 100% straight, because from my reading...the guides never are 100% straight in the head...
what we should of done is pulled the guide, and measured everything out 100% then did it...but we were in a hurry...and I am gunna guess this is what caused failure. Otherwise, how is it that only one head would heat up and not the other...and only 1 cylinder on the damn head out of 3?